Shining Lotus

The Spirituality of Nature

by Bob Romero — Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world. I’ve become aware of different sensations…

Old Historic Astrologer

November 2021 Astrology Update

by Roy Neal — Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart. We begin the month of November with the Moon on the…

In Honor of Scorpio, the Scorpion

by Roy Neal — Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this Autumn season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an appointment for an update of your individual birth chart. October 22 through November 21 by Roy Neal The Sun enters the…

Shining Lotus


by Bob Romero — Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world. I’ve become aware of different sensations…

Old Historic Astrologer

October 2021 Astrology Update

by Roy Neal — Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart. We begin the month of October with six planets retrograde. I…


In Honor of Libra, the Scales

by Roy Neal — Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this Autumn season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an appointment for an update of your individual birth chart. September 22 through October 22 by Roy Neal The Sun enters the…


Autumn Equinox 2021

by Roy Neal — Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this Autumn season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an appointment for an update of your individual birth chart. by Roy Neal The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra on…


The Bright Side of Luna

by Bruce Johnson — Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and…