Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
An occult Law states that “There is naught but energy, for God is Life.” This primary energy of Deity can be differentiated into energies, forces and color rays, which together constitute the sum total of all that is in existence. The universal One Life, or Ain-Soph is the basis for every type of manifested life form. This teaching is demonstrated in the Tarot with the Fool, symbolizing En-Soph, emanating the 21 cards or forces of the Major Arcana.
Forces are energies that are confined or imprisoned within some kind of form, whether a body, organ, chakra or plane. The three groups of forces correspond to the three points of a triangle. Positive force is the force that energizes something. Negative force is that which is the recipient of the impacting energy. Negative force assumes form under the impact of positive force. Blending the positive and negative aspects of force together creates a dual third force called Radiant Energy or Light Force. Forces are denser and less potent than energies and are always anchored or imprisoned within a form. The universe contains 49 variations of force.
Energies are streams of directed power which impacts and influences the confined forces within any body or form. Energies which contact the grosser vibratory rate of the anchored forces within any form can originate from a greater more inclusive form, or from a less dense plane of being. An energy is always more subtle and stronger than the imprisoned force it contacts and modifies. There are seven basic energies present in all human beings. These seven energies take the form of the seven primary color rays, all of which are diverse configurations of manifesting energy.
All manifested life whether microcosmic or macrocosmic, lives within an aura. An aura describes an oval of spheroid of radiation and influence surrounding a particular form. The vibrations of the chakras create the aura of a person, which is composed of the collective emanations from all of their seven bodies. The seven human bodies are the Soul, Spiritual, Intuitive, Mental, Emotional, Astral and Physical bodies, beginning with the most rarified body, the Soul body. An aura responds to all impressions that affect it, whether subjectively or objectively received.
A person’s spiritual development is determined by – 1, the amount of light in the aura, 2, whether the chakras above or below the diaphragm are more active, 3, the level of chakra development, 4, whether the Soul or Personality is in control. The unfoldment of virtues and virtuous behavior has a very forceful effect on the awakening of one’s chakric centers. Right Living, High-Minded Thinking, and Loving Action powerfully lift and purify the vibration of the chakras and ultimately one’s aura. The average person responds far more to Personality energy than to the energy radiations of the Soul.
All manifestations from the Four Kingdoms of Nature are-
1, responsive to forces generated by other forms
2, responsive to the seven color rays emanated by the seven Sacred Planets,
and 3, responsive to the life-giving solar ray from our sun.
The effect of an energy or force impact is dependent on the quality and nature of the form or body being influenced. Human auras are usually strongest around the head and shoulders due to the presence of numerous major and minor chakras.