by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is available for personal consultations over the phone by calling 720-962-4633. He has been doing astrology professionally since 1981.

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn on Wednesday, December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. A chart done for this event in Denver, Colorado reveals the sign of Gemini on the Ascendant. The theme for the Winter Season will be Connection, Communication and Co-Creation.
Mercury rules the sign of Gemini and is located near the ninth house cusp of education, travel and foreign countries. Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn along with Venus and the Sun in the eighth house of other people’s values and money. This position indicates the importance of investment in business and various corporate and established interests. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Saturn is in the tenth house of career and worldly success in the sign of Aquarius. If you desire to start your own business you are likely to need the help of other investors.

Saturn represents structure and authority. The Capricorn emphasis in the eighth house of the chart indicates that the use of conventional structures and governmental and corporate interests may be necessary in order to finance the needs of social programs which will become increasingly important in helping the general public. Mars in Gemini in the first house of the chart reveals a focus on active forms of communication which will help to enlighten others who desire more knowledge and education in the areas of social awareness and fiscal responsibility.
New social programs will support people who have experienced loss and personal trauma. An emphasis on psychological and emotional support and healing will result in more investment in mental health and emotional wellness.
New technologies will be developed to facilitate the transformation of natural resources in ways that enhance the health and well-being of both the individual and the community.
Changes in work situations, procedures and policies are likely to occur. This Winter season will inspire us to seek innovative solutions to personal, social and financial problems. By trusting our guidance and intuition we can let go of old belief systems that do not allow us to manifest the quality of life we truly desire to experience.