A Man Praying

The Bogeyman Cometh

by Mario C. Veo It all started the night of the blizzard – a bitch if ever there was one, with winds howling so hard the very roof trembled, and w’all  thought the last days’d come. Ice had covered our crummy cottage [barely big enough for the five of us] and we all felt frozen…

Wisdom… A Lost Art

by Mario C. Veo Since my earliest days in college I have been studying human nature, and what drives us to behave the way we do. One of the things that has most amazed [perturbed] me is how easily people get manipulated…and why… Here’s the fundamental key to it all:-  If life has been hard…

A Life Well Lived

Reprinted by Mario C. Veo As a counselor I meet many people whose main concern is ‘relationships’ – be this with lovers, children, bosses and co-workers… it seems that ‘relationships’ are central to Life, and, if they don’t work too well, then Life loses flavor, loses sparkle, loses vitality… I have been taught that ‘Man…

What Lurks In Darkness…

Reprinted by Mario C. Veo Long, long ago, well before Eden got its special garden, our universe was filled with  wonderful creative Beings…indeed, so special this was that many came, even from other dimensions – some simply to admire the beauty that was being created, others to try their own skills at shaping new worlds…

Guardian angels

An Angel Story

© 2019 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter January 2019   by Mario C. Veo   In a time so long ago that only legends speak about, there was a different civilization on planet Earth…one where Man was gifted with powerful occult knowledge – much Magic was revealed, and commonly done.…


One of the hardest lessons to accept is that – for the most part, but not always – people do not learn unless they create major discomfort for themselves. Imagine this – if your Life is idyllic, perfect in every sense, rich and abundant…then there is absolutely NO reason to change it…after all, how much better could…

Is Love Truly The Key…?

© 2018 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2018 by Mario C. Veo This is probably the single, most challenging question for today – is Love truly the Key… or are we just going to be used, abused, and thrown out as a wet dishrag  that is of no value… Can ‘Love’…