by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
January 20 – February 20
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius on Friday, January 20th. Aquarius is an air sign ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus is often called “The Awakener.” Before Uranus was discovered in 1781 the sign Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents the boundary between the physical reality and the spiritual experience of higher consciousness.
Aquarians are unique, independent and enjoy doing things that shake up and challenge the status quo. Innovative and original are words that describe the Aquarian personality. The Aquarius person is intelligent and intuitive. Their world is idealistic and conceptual. They make good inventors, astrologers and facilitators of social change.
The key phrase for Aquarius is “I Know.” Aquarians are good conversationalists and usually have an opinion about almost everything. If you are looking for intellectual stimulation and a unique way of perceiving reality and the future of the world and humanity, then you would do well to develop a friendship and rapport with someone who has their Sun, Ascendant or other personal planets in the sign of Aquarius.