by Bob Romero
In 2007, I had extreme pain in my shoulders when I tried to lift my arms above my head. Otherwise, they were fine and didn’t bother me. We had just moved, and I don’t know if I had strained them in lifting boxes and furniture. The doctor suggested to take Advil and if it didn’t help, he could give me a prescription for a more powerful pain reliever which I was reluctant to do. Taking the Advil did not work, but I had heard about various types of holistic medicine. Then my wife went to a Reiki session and suggested that I try it. I noticed a certain quietness about her, and she slept really well after the session. So, I went to see what it was like, and to see if it could help me.
The Reiki practitioner, Erin, was a vivacious young woman and her studio was very calming. I felt safe and guarded. What I remember most, is that I saw the color purple, when I closed my eyes. I had never experienced that before. There were purple smudges that grew and shrank or floated around. She held her hands over various parts of my body, and sometimes barely laid her hands on me. I could feel the heat from her hands to the point that I asked her if she had warmed them before the session, and she responded that she had not. Afterwards, I felt very relaxed and peaceful. I almost forgot about my shoulders, until I noticed that there was no pain when I raised my arms above my head. I was amazed that the pain was completely gone.
She said that she got an intuition that I should get an amber crystal. She recommended either going to a gem store or a metaphysical bookstore. That’s how I found the Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore and that started me on my path of researching and taking classes on metaphysical topics. She also suggested some books for me to read on Reiki and chakras which I did. I went to more sessions even after she moved to a studio in Castle Rock. While the ride down I25 was sometimes hectic, the ride back was serene, despite rush hour traffic. I didn’t have to tell her where I was hurting, because she would always be able to find it and send healing energy to it. Her gift was truly amazing. She also said that she had help from angels including my guardian angel, and from Jesus. I noticed that the middle of my forehead started to tingle during Reiki and then during meditation, which she had also encouraged me to do.
I took two Reiki classes from her and received the Reiki attunement to begin practicing Reiki. I didn’t feel that I could start charging for sessions, because I didn’t have the years of practice that are needed, and I didn’t have her gift of identifying the area of pain or illness. But the distance healing really appealed to me, and I could use the Reiki symbols to send healing energy to those who have given me their consent no matter where they are located. My siblings often ask me to send them energy, and report that they can feel it when I do. I notice that whenever I do, my hands become very warm. Sometimes when I just think about doing it, my hands begin to heat up, and so I go ahead and send the energy. I noticed the smell of Jasmine during one of my own sessions, and so I complimented Erin on how nice it was. She said that she did not use any essential oils or aromas. Later I learned in one of my classes, that Jasmine or Rose are smells that denote the presence of Spirit.
When my mother was in hospice and barely responding, I asked my Reiki Master if she could help mom transfer to the next life. I saw that mom was looking past me to a corner of the room. Erin asked me how long ago my dad had passed away, and if I could see him, because he was there. Her psychic abilities were also incredible.
Anxiety can be worse than the illness, and so at the very least, Reiki can be used for relaxation and stress relief. That alone will promote healing.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops does not encourage the use of Reiki, but the Catholic nuns in hospitals said that they have been using it for years. I think that I’ll go with those on the front line, along with my own experiences, to know that Reiki is a spiritual life force energy that comes from God.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.