A Look at the Astrology of June 2020
by Sally Shotwell
This month isn’t going to disappoint us excitement-wise, we’re in Eclipse Season which always impacts us personally, as well as globally. The Summer Solstice also is a profound time when a new cycle promises changes to the status quo. To get our bearings, let’s check the astrological factors which are helpful in acclimating us to what ever comes our way.
The Sun (our consciousness) and VenusRx (our values and relationships) are in airy, communicative Gemini, whose ruler is curious Mercury, sometimes known as the Trickster. This means that the current approach to interactions adopted by the Goddess of Beauty, Love and Money, is more cerebral than emotional and we may feel ourselves behaving in an atypically distant fashion. Being retrograde, she’s urging us to review and reconsider what we most treasure in our life and, meeting the Sun June 3, we may be helped by remembering happy past encounters, encouraging us to consider new possibilities. The 5th, Mercury (our thought processes) in watery, domestic Cancer, fraternizes with eccentric Uranus, in earthy Venus-ruled Taurus, introducing the unusual into the equation. This prepares us for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in fiery, belief-oriented Sagittarius.
June 5 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
This June 5 Full Moon (culmination) Lunar Eclipse (change) involves the Sagittarius Moon clashing with Mars, NeptuneRx, and Uranus, while being opposite the Sun in Gemini. The Sabian Symbol states “Sea gulls fly around a ship in expectation of food: The easily acquired dependence of psychic desires upon the stimulation of social circumstances…The sea gulls symbolize the wild and normally untamable energies of the human soul…they too can develop upon the by-products of man’s adventures with the realm of the unconscious (the sea).” As we meet the challenges of “man’s adventures with the realm of the Unconscious,” we share a dependence with our fellow beings in an effort to grow and evolve into greater consciousness.
June 6 the Sun and combative Mars, in foggy Pisces, irritate each other so let’s avoid competitive exchanges. Let’s be prepared to question our perceptions the 11th when the Sun gets in a tussle with soggy Neptune, also in Pisces. Emotionality reigns and our goal should be to focus on our immediate environment. Fortunately, the 13th, Neptune gets to rendezvous with Mars and let his intuition shine, their combined efforts cutting through the idealism which can blind us when exposed to deceptive influences.

Cancer the Crab June 20 – July 22
June 18 communicative Mercury, turns retrograde in domestic Cancer, the water sign whose ruler is the changeable Moon (our emotions). The sign’s symbol is the Crab, whose hard, self-generated shell covers its soft, vulnerable body. We, too, may feel ultra-sensitive, with our thoughts refocusing on our relationship with loved ones which helps us clear up areas of concern. Mars and relentless PlutoRx, in earthy, responsible Capricorn, combine their efforts to help us tackle resistance we encounter as the Summer Solstice looms.
June 20 the Sun enters Cancer and we experience the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The beginning of the Summer cycle is feted around the world and a psychological sense of expansion accompanies our actions. Mars and benevolent JupiterRx, in Capricorn, encourage us to adopt an attitude which is based on our belief in renewed possibilities as we approach the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.
July 21 New Moon in Cancer

This July 21 New Moon (new beginnings) in familial Cancer, picks up the theme of reviewing our past history in order to understand our current attitudes which restrict us from moving forward. Electric Uranus stimulates us to digest the message of the Symbol. “On a ship the sailors lower the old flag and raise a new one: A radical change of allegiance exteriorated in a symbolic act: a point of no return… On the ‘ship’ which represents ego-consciousness… the individualized will makes a basic decision…” We are capable of changing our approach to the way we address our reality. The key word for the process we find ourselves in is REORIENTATION.
June 23 empathetic Neptune turns backward (until 11/28), in watery Pisces, his home sign. It, like Gemini, is represented by a dualistic symbol, two fish bound by their tails, swimming in opposite directions, one to the manifest world in which we live, the other, the bottomless ocean of the Transcendent. Our own lives reflect this tension and we’re now being given the opportunity to explore the means by which we deal with it. How do we cope with the meeting the demands placed upon us to function in everyday reality, while we’re drawn to expanding our consciousness beyond known boundaries?
June 25 charming Venus turns direct and we can breathe a sigh of relief as relationship matters lighten up as Gemini’s communication skills kick in. The 27th, vital Mars leaves the watery depths of Pisces and leaps into his home sign of fiery Aries to start exploring new avenues of adventure. We feel this surge on the 28th when he and powerful SaturnRx consult on ways to direct our new-found energies in a constructive way. What ideas now seem attractive to us?
June 29 Jupiter, King of the Gods, and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, have a profound meeting in Capricorn and commingle their authoritative insight, inspiring us to believe in ourselves and our morphing aspirations. Simultaneously, the Sun and Mercury Rx, in conservative Cancer, urge us to pay attention as we venture forth on our journey. Let’s search for a happy medium as we reflect on these as we begin to embrace our promising future!
Note: June 21 is both Father’s Day and the New Moon. May it be a lovely day for everyone!!!