by Bruce Johnson
The aura for protection purposes can be described as seven concentric eggs of energy that that extend beyond the perimeter of the dense physical body. This distance averages from about 24 inches or more in all directions with the spiritually oriented person, to over a mile in the case of Buddha. The three concentric eggs in a human aura that we’re discussing radiate etheric, emotional, and mental energies, corresponding to the physical, astral, and mental bodies of an individual. Negative attacks can take place on any or all three levels, usually through holes or weak spots in the aura.
Auras can expand and contract temporarily as a response to inner and outer stimulation. It’s useful to know the approximate size of one’s aura as an aid to the visualization of protective light for the following reason. Rather than seal the outer edge of my aura as a barrier to negativity, I prefer to create a shield or ovoid of light that circumscribes, and is larger than my aura. I don’t want negative energies right up against the boundary of my aura. Shields and shells of light can be used to protect more than just human auras. When visualizing light for protection, see it moving and flowing, not static like a glass sphere.
Perhaps the most important factor in effective auric protection is the ability to have absolute confidence and faith in one’s own power of protection, combined with an extremely strong disbelief in the power of the attacking human or spirit to influence or hurt you. A large reason witch doctors and similar types have such a forceful affect on some people is due to the strong belief and fear the person has in the witch doctor’s ability to control and harm them. The awareness of one’s inner light, combined with the knowledge of one’s spirit guardians and protection techniques, helps greatly in building this faith and confidence.
Different people have varying affinities and attune to different color rays. The brilliant white, silver, and agate and carnelian rays are the traditional rays of spiritual protection. They can be used alone, in combination with each other, or blended together. Examples of blended rays would be –white/silver, white/agate, silver/agate, silver/carnelian, etc. The blue color can be calming to many people. An individual that’s feeling emotionally upset while needing spiritual protection might consider surrounding and filling their auras with dazzling white, silver and agate rays, then decree and visualize blue light flooding them with peace.
The perfect shield against directed discord is to have nothing in one’s aura that can respond to evil energy. Then, unable to find a response in the intended victim, the energy returns to the sender. Absolute purity in consciousness is the best protection and something for all of us to move toward. In the meantime, positive amulets are useful, and I carry at least one with me everywhere. Be aware that some amulets and talismans can fade in power and lose their potency over time. Incenses that can help lift the vibration of the aura include frankincense and cinnamon. Garlic definitely repels evil. In the extreme case of the spirit-obsessed person, a modest amount of static electricity applied to the base of the brain will remove the obsessing spirit without harming the victim. Watch out for violent reactions from the ejected trespasser.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.