Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of July with Saturn retrograding back into the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter and Pluto continue to be in conjunction in Capricorn until July 10. The opportunity (Jupiter) for a transformation (Pluto) in our goals and objectives (Saturn) continues throughout the rest of this year. We are in a major restructuring and remodeling process of our business and governing institutions.
Mars is the planet of conflict and war and Mars will be in its ruling sign of Aries for the rest of this year. Personal and civil reaction and unrest involving confrontations with authority will continue until the first part of 2021.
A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs in Capricorn on Saturday evening, July 4th at 10:44 pm MDT. This Full Moon suggests an amplification of the emotional fireworks display in the United States because the nation’s citizens are determined to assert and express their independence.
The awakening of the spiritual warrior within is likely to occur as Chiron goes retrograde in Aries on Saturday, July 11th. Mercury will go direct in the sign of Cancer early on Sunday morning, July 12th. This timing correlates with a Last Quarter Phase Moon in the sign of Aries on Sunday evening to stimulate people to assert and express their truth.
Social discourse and the exchange of ideas and information is in high focus as long as Venus continues its transit through the zodiac sign of Gemini through the rest of July and the first week of August.
A New Moon in the sign of Cancer on Monday, July 20th begins a new emotional cycle of experience and expression. The recommendation for this lunar cycle is to ask your angels and guides what you need to do each day in order to nourish your soul and grow the garden of your own value.
A new theme of heart-felt creativity, self-expression and loving will potentially commence as the Sun enters the sign of Leo on Wednesday, July 22nd. Exploring the joys of fun and recreation with family and friends is favored.
A First Quarter Phase Moon in Scorpio on Monday, July 27th encourages us to grieve our losses and let go so we can make room for a more emotionally fulfilling experience of life as we are guided to experience it now.