by Bob Romero —
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
Our hands have always been conduits for energy. Positive energy is passed through handshakes for greetings and introductions. A comforting hand on a shoulder lets a person know that they’re cared for, and that that they’re not alone. When a person lends aid to someone, they’re known as a helping hand. It’s no surprise then, that hands are also used for healing. There are many forms of hands-on healing including massage, reflexology, and Reiki. During the pandemic, however, it’s been hard to have these kinds of health-giving techniques. So, remote healing using our hands can still occur.
Years ago, when I had a Reiki session, I noticed how warm my Reiki Master’s hands would get. At my last session, they were so warm, they felt like a light bulb that had been on for some time. I asked her if she had warmed them using something like that before the session. She said that she had not. I could feel the energy that she was passing on to me. She said that anyone could Reiki on themselves or on anything else, by simply placing their hands on the object and saying its name three times. I noticed a little warmth in my hands when I would place them on one of my knees that was hurting. She also said that you can send Reiki energy to a situation.
Fascinated by this, I took her two Reiki classes to learn Reiki healing. I determined that I wasn’t cut out to do the regular hands-on Reiki therapy, but the long-distance healing was appealing to me as I could use it for my family and friends who requested me to send them energy. I received the Reiki attunement and learned the three sacred symbols to do remote healing. I noticed that my hands became warmer when I sent energy, as I was a vessel for receiving energy from Spirit and then sending it on. More and more, I noticed when my hands would become warmer, like during guided meditations that involved healing, or when I did meditation and prayer.
Recently, when I wake up in the middle of the night, my hands have gotten as hot as my Reiki Masters hands were at my last Reiki session. According to Chinese medicine, different hours of the day reflect different organs. If you wake up between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., it may relate to a liver imbalance, and between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., it is tied to the lungs. However, for us older folks, I call that timeframe, “the weewee hours of the morning”. The hours from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. is also known as the “Witching Hour”, and the veil to the spiritual world is thin. Most people around you are asleep, and so access to Spirit is easier. It can be a great time for creativity and manifestation. When I get back to bed, and pull the covers up, that’s when my hands get very warm. I take it as sign from Spirit that it is time to send the long-distance healing to those who have requested it. After sending the energy, it is very important to gently disconnect from that connection, otherwise you can develop the symptoms of the ailment in the other person that you are trying to heal. My hands then cool down.
In my metaphysical classes, I learned that you can also send healing energy to someone by just placing your hands together and asking Spirit to heal the disorder. Then ask for “This or something better, and only for the highest good, and as Spirit wills it be”. Then gently disconnect. So, whether you’re trained in Reiki or not, you can use your hands to send positive energy to someone in need. In writing this article, my hands became warmer, and so that hopefully, positive energy is being passed to the reader.