by Roy Neal
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Gemini on Thursday, May 20th.
Gemini is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury rules all forms of language and communication. The goal of the Gemini person is understanding. The mind of the Gemini person likes to explore all aspects of a situation, circumstance or experience in order to arrive at the truth. With Gemini, the truth is seldom absolute; it is almost always relative. When situations and circumstances change the perception of truth is likely to change as well.
Inside every Gemini person is a battle between their soul and their ego. The value of this conflict is their growth in conscious awareness. The truth is often found by experiencing its opposite. The sacred work of Gemini is to accept and transcend the opposing forces within their own nature.
Gemini’s often make good writers and communicators. If you are looking for intellectual stimulation and a good conversationalist, you would benefit by relating with a person who has key planets in Gemini