by Bruce Johnson —
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
The regular six-pointed star originated with ancient Hinduism and was variously known as the “Sign of Vishnu”, the “Signet of Vishnu”, and the “Chakra of Vishnu” in Hindu scripture. The “Sign of Vishnu” is a powerful protection symbol that was used by the Hindus as a talisman against evil when placed on their homes or persons. Using the “Sign of Vishnu” for protection amulets and talismans eventually spread from India to Persia, Egypt and throughout the Middle East.
Also known as the “Star of Creation” and the “Star of Christ”, the “Chakra of Vishnu” contains a treasure trove of occult teachings in geometric form. This wisdom includes the mysteries of – Life and Death, Emanation, Squaring the Circle, As Above so Below, Involution and Evolution, and the Philosophers Stone, among others. The “Chakra of Vishnu” corresponds to the spleen chakra, which like the six-pointed star, radiates six different streams of force from an invisible center point.
The “Signet of Vishnu” is based on a positive upward-pointing equilateral triangle. This upper triangle expresses- light, spirit, the solar principle, activity, evolution, fire, positivity, subjectivity, and the three primary colors of red, blue and yellow. The three points of the upper triangle compose the spiritual or true trinity. A solar trinity is represented in the Major Arcana by The Lovers card, although the position of the man and woman are reversed in this card if using the energy-based triangle.
The reflection of the up-ward-pointing triangle in the six-pointed star is the down-ward pointing triangle called the lower triangle, or reflected triangle. These two triangles are interlaced together balanced on a common center to make a six-pointed star. This inverted triangle attunes to- darkness, matter, the lunar principle, passivity, involution, water, negativity, objectivity and form, as well as the three secondary rays – green, orange, and violet. The lower triangle represents the reflected trinity of materialism and maya. This lower trinity is depicted in The Tarot as The Devil card, albeit the figures on the card are not inverted, and like The Lovers card, the position of the man and woman are reversed.
Viewing one type of six-pointed star, the uppermost point or apex is point one, positive, and red. The upper point on the left-hand side of the star is point two, negative, and violet. The lower point on the left-hand side is the third point, positive, and is colored blue. The lowest point at the bottom of the figure is number six, negative, and green. The upper point on the right-hand side is point four, negative, and orange in color. The lower point on the right-hand side is point five, positive, and yellow. Points one, three and five form the positive triangle, points two, four and six produce the negative triangle.
The six points of the six-pointed star represent the six directions in space as well as six types of energy blended and fused into one. Six is the number of concrete manifestation. The elements Argon, Neon, Xenon and Krypton form in the pattern of a six-pointed star. The mystical central point of the six-pointed star signifies the number seven, and is unseen and implied, being the central source of spirit/matter that composes both triangles of the “Chakra of Vishnu”. The indigo ray has an affinity with the central point of the above-mentioned star.