by Bob Romero —
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
Have you ever received something much better than what you wanted or desired? It could be about a situation, healing, or even something that’s material. In my classes, I have learned that when we pray or ask Spirit for something, we should say, “This or something better”. That way we don’t place limits on all that is available to us in the universe. Then we follow it up with “and only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light”. So that whatever comes to us, it is for good, and not for evil. To complete our request, we also say “and as Spirit wills it be”. This way, we release and surrender it to Spirit, and align our will to the will of God. If we do ask God for something that’s material, or even if it is just about money, we then share with Spirit on what we’re going to do with it, and how it will be used for the betterment of us and others.
A lot of religious people don’t want to look like they are greedy by asking for more. But greed is not about asking for more, it’s about not sharing, or excluding others from their rightful gifts from Spirit. Greedy people only want for themselves. Then this manifestation is not for the highest good, or according to the will of Spirit, and they will have karma to deal with. It’s foolish, because sharing with others will actually result in receiving more. The potential manifestation from the universe is infinite, and God wants us to be happy, and so why not ask for more rather than place limits on ourselves.
One of my experiences in which I asked for “This or something better” happened this past summer when my wife and I were looking for a new house. We wanted to be close enough to our son and his family. We wanted to watch our grandchildren grow up, attend their activities, and be part of their lives. At first, we thought that we would rent a townhome that was ten minutes away from them, and that was located on a golf course. We were used to living in a condominium complex and didn’t want to be bothered by household chores. We thought that the largest model would accommodate us. But after checking it out, even though it had the floorplan that we wanted, and that we were accustomed to, it didn’t quite meet our needs. So, then we started looking at homes in the nearby area that had a similar floorplan.
After surfing the real estate websites, I found a new home in another development that was not too far away from the townhome and had exactly what we wanted and more. Pictures of the interior were very impressive. So, we made an appointment to tour the home. I then asked Spirit if this could workout, and then I said, “This or something better, and only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light, and as Spirit wills it be”. As I was reviewing the house so that we could ask questions during our tour, another house popped up on the page. I had studied all of the homes for sale in the area and I had not seen this home listed. Later I learned that it was put on the market just minutes before I saw it. It was beautiful and very charming, and the backyard was delightful. It was even closer to our grandchildren, and it was just a block away from the clubhouse of the golf course with a rec center and pool in between. So, we made an appointment to see it after viewing the other home. There was no comparison. It had all that we wanted and more.
Even though the sellers already had two other offers, they accepted our offer. Our condo sold in a couple of days, and somehow, we survived the ordeal of all of the paperwork involved with buying, selling, and moving. Now we are living in this beautiful house close to the golf course. But the best thing is, we’re only eight minutes away from family and being able to see those little ones a lot more often, which is infinitely better than we could ever imagine.