by Bruce Johnson —
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
Buddhism teaches that the condition of human limitation and suffering indicated by the Four Noble Truths, can be overcome by the study, practice of, and right attunement to three aspects of Buddhist philosophy. These three areas of study are- the 8-Fold Path, breaking the constraints of the 10 Fetters, and the Law of Cause and Effect. By getting rid of the causes that create inhibiting spiritual, mental, emotional and physical disorders as well as other negative karmic conditions, and replacing them with intelligently fashioned light-filled causes, we free our souls into their more natural boundless expression.
The 8-Fold Path is the Way of Deliverance for the Buddhist who would experience the complete bliss and release of Nirvana, the highest Buddhist heaven. The eight aspects of the 8-Fold Path all begin with the word right, meaning correct. To illustrate eight causes of human inner and outer spiritual restrictions , I have temporarily replaced the word right in each of the eight categories with the word wrong. In so doing, the 8-Fold Path in addition to revealing the solution to, can be used to illuminate the causes of humanity’s ills as well.
These negative causes are
1. wrong beliefs
2. wrong intentions
3. wrong speech
4. wrong action
5. wrong living
6. wrong effort
7. wrong mindfulness
8. wrong concentration.
In order to attain soul liberation, the aspiring Buddhist must transcend 10 fetters or barriers to spiritual unfoldment through an initiation process taking place over many lifetimes.
These 10 Fetters are-
1. Delusion as to one’s true Self
2. Doubt as to the reality of a Divine Plan being expressed through omnipotent Natural Laws, as well as doubting the existence of enlightened Master beings who guide Earths evolution and constitute it’s spiritual hierarchy
3. The belief that religious rites and ceremonies are essential in achieving enlightenment
4. Attachment to sense gratification
5. Anger.
These first five fetters are for the disciple to grow beyond. The remaining five fetters relate to Master levels of evolution-
6.Desire for life in the worlds of form
7. Desire for life in formless worlds
8. Pride
9. Irritability
10. Ignorance, cause of all suffering, the first and last illusion.
Buddha taught that the Law of Cause and Effect could be positively applied to help offset the negative and inhibiting karma of others and oneself. This is done by initiating new orderly causes into a situation that are opposite in nature to, and more powerful than, the previously generated discordant forces one wants to counteract. Demonstrating Right Action, Buddha used light to overpower darkness, and goodwill focused through directed good thoughts, words and deeds, to offset harmful energies produced by unawakened souls.
All of the following positive causes create spiritually emancipating effects for those who live them
1. Aligning with and empowering the good
2. Obedience to one’s Higher Self
3. Understanding and practicing the illumined harmlessness of the Great Souls
4. Demonstrating a life of moral behavior
5.The service of others has a spiritually freeing effect in the life of the server
6. Forgiving offenses done to oneself by others
7. Paying karmic debts by making restitution for the hurt we’ve done to people, animals or property
8. Assisting in the manifestation of karmic and spiritual freedom for humanity.