© 2011 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2011.
by Bruce Johnson
Occultism defines the atom as a vortex or nucleus of life, encased within a sheath of matter. Atoms, also called life-atoms, can be accurately described as bubbles of force within the Akashic Ocean of energy. Each atom is a miniature life of living substance, with its two poles expressing magnetic and electrical forces.
To understand the life- atom, we must study its qualities. The following list includes 12 characteristics common to all physical atoms.
1-Every atom has divine life flowing through its core.
2-Each atom is triple in nature, containing and radiating three fires or forces. These three forces manifest as different types of motion within the atom. These three fires of the atom correspond to the energies of will, love, and active intelligence, and the primary colors of red, blue, and yellow respectively.
3-All atoms rotate on their axis at a certain speed, vibrate at a certain frequency, and as a result, sound their own note.
4-Every atom is a sepentary entity that manifests on seven planes of existence.
5-An atom is divisible into sub-atoms which number 14,000 million archetypal atoms. These sub-atoms are again subject to division, ad infinatum.
6-Physical atoms are divided into two basic types, male and female.
7-Atoms are spheroidal in shape, with the top of sphere slightly flattened, and the bottom slightly pointed.
8-The spheroidal shape of the atom is its ring-pass-not, and defines the periphery of the atom’s influence.
9-Atoms as tiny invisible lives are evolving and have the potential of developing self-consciousness.
10-The atom has three major spirals and seven lesser spirals within itself, and expresses both centrifugal and centripetal forces.
11-Magnetism affects the atom’s inner subjective life, while electricity influences the atom’s outer objective form.
12-All physical forms are aggregations of individual life- atoms.
Occultism teaches that the atom and the soul are synonymous terms, and that human souls, planets, and solar systems, are simply macrocosmic atoms. The book Occult Chemistry, by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater goes into greater depth concerning the nature of the atom.
The physicists at the University of Colorado at Boulder working on atom-smashing might find the nature of the ultimate physical atom a bit of a surprise.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.