© 2011 Courtney DeWinter – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter October 2011
by Courtney DeWinter, Reiki Master Teacher – Delphine Healing Arts

The Reiki system of energy healing — developed in Japan in the early 1900s — is based on life force energies that have been an integral part of this planet since it was formed. Everything on this planet (people, animals, trees, etc.) give off electro-magnetic, or life force, energy. The body is not just a physical structure; it’s composed of electro- magnetic energies and energy fields, too.
The Reiki healing system uses these powerful life force energies for healing purposes. The Reiki practitioner accesses life force energies that are all around us, and pulls that energy into themselves, and then flows it out their hands and into the Reiki recipient. Results of a Reiki treatment vary depending on what the recipient needs on that particular day. Healing comes in many forms, and Reiki can provide physical, emotional, spiritual, or karmic healing, (or a combination thereof).
Reiki is done fully clothed on a massage table. And while the healing results can vary, Reiki recipients universally report feeling heat and pulsing coming from the practitioner’s hands, deep calm, and many see beautiful colors in their mind’s eye while they are receiving a Reiki treatment.

Reiki also has been studied by medical researchers. We now know that Reiki accelerates the healing process, eases pain, eases the nausea associated with chemo- therapy, improves blood chemistry, and much more. How Reiki affects you depends, quite simply, on what you need.

Courtney DeWinter
Courtney DeWinter is a Reiki Master Teacher and Master Practitioner with 23 years of experience in the Reiki energy healing system. She is the founder of Denver-based Delphine Healing Arts (www.DelphineHealingArts.com), which offers comprehensive & thorough Reiki training classes, and Reiki healing session for people & animals. Courtney was first introduced to Reiki in the warm blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, swimming with a pod of dolphins. A group of Reiki masters lead the trip to Mexico, and the experiences were so profound that Courtney got the call to heal and teach healing, and embarked on learning the Reiki healing system. She has been doing Reiki since 1988, when the Reiki system made its way to Colorado.