by Bruce Johnson
The triangle can be studied esoterically as a three-sided geometric form that expresses energy and force. An energy emanating triangle or energy triangle is seen to be an upward pointing triangle with a horizontal base line. It is also known as a primary, initial or superior triangle. Each of the three points of the superior triangle emanates either energy or a type of force. The ancient mystery schools taught the triangle was the basic geometric form behind all manifestation. Let’s examine the nature of an energy-based triangle.
The uppermost or vertex point is the first and beginning point of the primary triangle. This point is positively charged, and emanates the outgoing and down flowing principle spiritual energy of the triangle. The point in the lower left corner of the superior triangle is dual, being positively/negatively charged, and is called the second point of the triangle. This point emanates a force that is negatively charged in relation to the first point, but is positively charged in relation to the third point of the triangle. The point in the lower right-hand corner of the superior triangle is the third point of the triangle. The third point is always negatively charged, radiates a different emanated force than the second point, and is the polar opposite of the first point, or summit point of the triangle.
The three points of energy triangle encompass a primary spiritual energy plus two lesser forces. The energy which emanates from the first or upper-most point of the triangle moves downward in a counter-clock wise direction through the second point, toward the third point in the lower right corner of the triangle.
The process of physical manifestation can be described through the triangle. Un-manifested universal spirit at the top or first point of the triangle initially manifests in a dual form at the second point of the triangle. This is a subjective state of manifestation that corresponds to the creation of the form in the subtle mental substance that underlies all tangible, physical things. The subjectively manifest form at the second point of the triangle is reflected into dense physical matter at the third point of the triangle. The third point of the triangle completes the manifestation that began at the top vertex point of the triangle.
The traditional Kabalistic triangle at the top of the Sephirothic Tree that is also used in the Rider tarot deck is a reflection of the occult energy triangle. An energy triangle shows the left-hand corner or second point of the triangle to be androgynous and both positively and negatively charged, in contrast to the Kabalist who makes this point the negative and feminine Binah. The energy triangle makes the right-hand corner or third point negative, while the Kabalist sees the positive, male Chochmah at the right-hand corner of the triangle. The High Priestess, The Chariot, The Lovers, and the Devil tarot cards all illustrate the reflected Kabalistic triangle.
The following trinities are based on their positions in the energy-based triangle. The first word corresponds to the triangle’s first point, the second word to the second point of the triangle, and the third word to the third point of the energy triangle. Electricity-electromagnetism-magnetism, God- Adam- Eve, will-love-intelligence, Brahma-Vishnu- Siva, gold- electrum-silver, Father-Son-Holy Ghost, unity- duality- multiplicity, red- blue-yellow, Osiris- Horus- Isis, circle- the squared circle-square, Zeus- Apollo- Python.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.