by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is available for personal consultations over the phone by calling 720-962-4633. He has been doing astrology professionally since 1981.
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra on Saturday, September 23rd. This event is known as the beginning of the Fall season and is referred to as the Autumn Equinox. A chart done for this event in the Mountain Time Zone reveals the sign of Cancer as the Rising sign of the chart. The Moon is the chart ruler and it is in the sign of Capricorn in the sixth house of work, health and service. Our emotional attention will need to be focused on this area of our life experience as well as the fourth house of home, family and security where both the Sun and Mars are located.
The position of Neptune in Pisces conjunction the Midheaven of the chart suggests that we may not be entirely clear on our goals and direction during this Autumn period. A certain amount of Faith and spiritual surrender may be necessary in order to achieve the fulfillment of our goals and life purpose.
A balancing act may be necessary between the logical side of our nature and the promptings of our inner knowing.
The help of friends in our process of of decision-making can be favorable as long as we are clear about our own values, vision and purpose.
Success in our relationships will depend upon our ability to set healthy boundaries and assert and honor our own emotional and financial needs.
The North Node, point of reality and Chiron in Aries in the tenth house suggests that it is time for us to be proactive about expressing our true self with regard to our goals and way of engaging with the world. Because both Aries and Libra are intercepted signs in the chart this will not be an easy process. We will need to pick our battles and cultivate perseverance and patience in order to achieve our goals and objectives.