by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
September 23 – October 21
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra on Saturday, September 23rd. This event is known as the beginning of the Fall season and is known as the Autumn Equinox. Libra is a sign of balance. The equinox is a time of equal day and equal night. The Libra person desires to understand both sides of a situation or issue. They may appear indecisive until they have carefully examined all of the facts. Their goal in any conflict or debate is a fair and equitable outcome. For this reason they may be a valuable ally in the process of diplomacy and conflict resolution.
Libra is a sign of relationship. Team efforts, joint ventures, business and personal partnerships offer the Libra person ample opportunity for personal growth and soul development.
Libra is a dual sign. There is a light and a dark side to the Libra personality. Finding a way to be at peace with the opposite sides of their own nature is the key to cultivating inner peace and healthy relationships.