by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of September with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde. Retrograde refers to a period of deep internal process and transformation. The analogy here is something like two steps forward one step back. Situations and circumstances beyond our control are requiring patience and process before moving forward in a tangible way.
The Sun being in Virgo for the first 21 days of the month suggests that we will need to consciously focus on issues of health, work and service.
Mercury in the sign of Libra during this month reminds us that we are likely to need help from others in order to experience success in our work and relationships.
A New Moon in Virgo on Monday, September 6, indicates a new beginning in how we approach our work-related goals. Prioritizing investments and activities based on cost effectiveness and profitability will be essential.
Venus enters Scorpio on Friday, September 10. The need to evaluate our relationships carefully to determine a fair exchange of value is at hand.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Sagittarius on Monday, September 13. Our emotional need for inspiration and a new vision of what is possible will guide our motivations and actions as Mars enters the sign of Libra on Tuesday, September 14. Skill in negotiating agreements with others will produce mutual benefit and goodwill.
A Full Moon occurs in Pisces on Monday evening, September 20. Finding ways of helping others in practical ways will facilitate emotional healing and well-being.
The Sun enters Libra on Wednesday, September 22. The spotlight of consciousness is now focused on relationships. Our success in all endeavors will either be enhanced or challenged depending on the quality of our way of relating with others.
Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Libra on Sunday evening, September 26. A time of inner reflection is favored. Major life decisions should not be made until Mercury goes direct on October 18.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon in the sign of Cancer occurs on Tuesday, September 28. A certain amount of tension and stress may occur in our relationships with family members at this time. The opportunity to stay emotionally centered and calm will require restraint and self-discipline.