© 2016 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2016
by Mario C. Veo
Remote Viewing is the ability to project your ‘vision’ beyond Time and Space.
In practice this means that the person can ‘see’ Past Lives, examine the many different Paths of the Future, achieve Clairvoyance, and for some, it includes the ability to ‘see inside objects’ (a very useful gift for Medical Intuitives).
The origins of Remote Viewing go back to the very beginning of Time, when a Gifted Person would ‘look into a bowl of water’ and see/communicate with another person… no matter how far away they were.
Later this developed into ‘gazing at a crystal ball’, looking at black mirrors, or just any shining surface… at times this induced a mild Trance which allowed the Practitioner to get past his own limited perceptions – often with phenomenal results(consider the profound work done by Edgar Cayce).
Even the military(especially US and Russian) considered the value of training people as Remote Viewers, debasing them to be ‘peeping toms’/spies…(thankfully the very mindset of such a rigid environment effectively prevented the development of such a high Intuitive Ability). Today many Healers spontaneously develop part of this wonderful Gift, now able to guide you towards an easier, more rewarding Life.
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email PathtoSpirit@gmail.com /
website – www.YourPathtoSpirit.com
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.