© 2010 Luke Terry – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Dec 10.
JUST FOR HEALTH by Luke Terry, Licensed Acupuncturist
As the recession wears on, some rather counter-intuitive trends have emerged. One would think that decreased economic activity would result in a decrease in American’s health for the average person.
That turns out to be false! According to John de Graaf of the Solutions Journal, the average American’s health has actually improved overall during the recession. Yes, it’s true that on the whole, people are working less and earning less, but they’re also driving less, smoking less, and eating less bad restaurant food. In addition, they’re spending more time with family & friends, exercising more, sleeping more, and gardening more. ??These healthy choices are decreasing the mortality rate. In fact, for every percentage point increase in unemployment, mortality decreases by about a half a percent. The largest improvements have been a big dip in traffic deaths, which has declined by 25%, and an increase in gardening, up 40%. Such a great silver lining!
On the other side of the coin, families who have experienced the loss of a job or income do experience more stress, and in some cases, rates of suicide amongst the unemployed has grown. One’s best defense is a good offense – developing a strong, positive attitude, a sense of personal well-being that is unconditional and not connected to external circumstances, these things can all bring deep happiness and health. This strategy can improve your own health, and as your health improves, we gain positive energy that helps everyone and everything around us.
For best results, contact a qualified herbal medicine practitioner in your area, or better yet, educate yourself on the ancient and yet timeless art and science of using botanical substances to build vibrant health from within.
Check out the MASTER HERBALIST PROGRAM, Luke Terry, L Ac, Dipl. Ac, MTOM, Clinical Director, Rachel Lord, RN, President & Dean of Students, Just for Health School of Reflexology & Healing Arts. 303-320-4367.
Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.