by Sally Shotwell
As the month begins, we may find ourselves confused by the mixed messages the cosmos is sending our way. The Sun (our consciousness) is in fiery, exuberant Leo, symbolized by the Noble Lion, encouraging us to embrace our original ideas and unique creativity. The thing is, we don’t have a green light to do this just yet since Mercury, (our thought processes) is in cardinal, emotional Cancer, trying to hold his own against the influence of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in cardinal Capricorn, who, when challenged, attempts to instigate obsessive/ compulsive thoughts. We’re served well by avoiding iffy communications, especially since on August 2, the Sun is confronted by unpredictable Uranus, in security oriented Taurus, fueling a wildcard type of energy which can morph into another difficult clash. August 3, Mercury (Cancer) and Saturn, Lord of Karma (Capricorn) clash, tipping us off again to be thoughtful in all our interactions. When difficult aspects are triggered involving cardinal signs, (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), tensions become extreme and right now JupiterRx, SaturnRx, and PlutoRx, are hanging out together in the sign of the Sea Goat and making their presence felt. (Warrior Mars is himself, happily in fiery Aries, raring to forge ahead). Unpleasant as all this intensity is, the changes we’re dealing with offer us an opportunity to grow and evolve. The August 3rd Full Moon (culmination) in humanitarian Aquarius, opposite Sun in individualistic Leo, helps us understand this.
The Sabian Symbol states “On a vast staircase stand people of different types, graduated upward: The necessity of recognizing differences of types and levels of development wherever human beings live together… This obviously refers to the ascending process of evolution of life forms and consciousness… every human being is ‘potentially’ divine as an individual person…” When we grow in awareness as individuals ( Leo) we’re able to serve our community (Aquarius) with integrity and compassion. When planets are retrograde, their areas of influence are internalized and we’re reminded to slow down and ponder what’s going on in our lives. During this Full Moon, four planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto) are pressuring us to do so. Are we arranging for silence and stillness in our schedule?
August 4 Mars and Jupiter cross paths and their combined energy encourages us to be active, within reason, preparing us to welcome Mercury into fiery Leo. Personal communications should become more lively and a sense of drama may enhance our encounters. The sign of the Noble Lion exemplifies generosity, an aspect of its heart-centeredness. Let’s take advantage of this influence to seek out enjoyable activities with fun companions! The 7th, loving Venus enters watery Cancer and we zero in on family (no matter how extended) and how to nurture those in need. Let’s just make sure they want our help. The 10th, Mercury and brilliant Uranus stimulate each other, indicating unusual developments, helping us perk up.
August 13 pioneer Mars (Aries) and relentless PlutoRx (Capricorn) are in power-struggle mode and extreme behavior is on each of their minds. We seriously MUST avoid charged situations and deal with ourselves gently. Are we consciously avoiding being agitated when ever possible? The 15th, Uranus joins the retrograde crowd and we’re being guided to sort out and re-evaluate the impact of the shifts taking place around, and within us. The Sun and Mars rendezvous the 16th and generate a reassuring dynamic which fosters self-confidence. This is fanned by Mercury and Mars connecting the 17th, combining quick-wittedness with the will to take action. The Sun is also pairing up with Mercury, inspiring us to, perhaps venture beyond our comfort zone.
August 18 the New Moon (new beginnings) in magnificent Leo is emboldening, opening our hearts and allowing us to expand our connection with others and the Infinite. The Symbol states “The luminescence of dawn in the Eastern Sky: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle. While the rainbow marks the end of the crisis, early dawn indicates the real beginning of the new period of activity… Alpha (dawn) and Omega (the concluding peak experience) are opposites, yet the same. The Keyword here is ILLUMINATION.” Our hope is to meet a crisis with “a pure heart and a clear mind” and our supporting each other along the way.
August 19 Mercury zips into earthy, practical Virgo, assisting us in our working with everyday reality from a logical perspective. He helps us to bring the order to our environment which we so desperately welcome. The Sun joins him the 22nd and our thoughts turn to serving others and healthcare (how appropriate in these strange times!). Virgo is the sign of self-sufficiency, which is great, but, we don’t want to lose touch with others or veer into perfectionism. The 24th, Mars (Aries) and SaturnRx (Capricorn) confront each other in vise grip which lasts until October 3. The issue of forward action vs. restrictive boundaries promises to affect us all. Let’s keep Rescue Remedy handy.
August 25 we breathe a sigh of relief as Mercury and Uranus connect and our social life gets a boost. However, we shouldn’t get too carried away since Venus (Cancer) and Jupiter (Capricorn) don’t see eye-to-eye and telegraph restraint. The 27th, sentimental Venus and otherworldly Neptune in watery, mystical Pisces, share moments of creativity and daydreaming. We’re able to tune in to heart-energy and listen to our inner voice. Should we write down our insights for future use? The 29th, we receive practical input when Mercury and JupiterRx use their combined understanding to direct us to projects which are productive, delivering positive results.
August 30 receptive Venus (Cancer) and ruthless Pluto (Capricorn) are at odds and distrust can arise, leading to relationship difficulties. Mercury and NeptuneRx are also muddying the waters with misunderstandings arising from erroneous information (what else is new?). Our inner resources won’t desert us and let’s find succor in communing with others!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.