by Bruce Johnson
A vortex could be described as a whirlpool-shaped spiral of either energy or force rotating around a central axis. All the countless vortices that exist on the seven major planes of life are in every case dual in nature. The pointed end of any vortex is always the positive, electric, yang pole of the vortex. The open end of all vortices is consistently the negative, magnetic, and yin pole. Vortices can in another way, be seen to have three primary aspects. The point at the center of the vortex is the location of active positive energy. The spokes that radiate from the central point of any vortex are forces that are of negative polarity in relation to the energy at the center of the vortex. The interplay of energy and force creates the outer circumference of any vortex. The spheroid created by a vortex is the basis of all manifested forms of life.
The Law of Vortical Motion was well known by the Initiates of the ancient mystery schools. Pythagoras taught about the gyratory motion of atoms and planetary spheres in 500 B.C. Vortices were known by the sages to be the basic building block of the universe with vortexes manifesting in all kingdoms of nature, macrocosmically and microcosmically. These vortices were variously known as wheels, fiery wheels, whorls, winged wheels, energy vortices, wheels of force, and lotus flowers. Hindus often referred to human chakras with spokes as fiery lotus flowers with flaming petals, which is how these vortexes looked to clairvoyant vision.
Two basic types of vortices are rooted in geometric forms. The regular spiral vortex or free vortex is founded on the hexagon, while the Golden Section vortex is derived from the golden rectangle. Duality is a consistent theme with vortices. There are expanding vortexes, contracting vortices, vortices of involution and evolution, vortexes of spirit and matter, ascending vortices, descending vortexes, as well as centrifugal and centripetal vortices. The principle of “as above, so below”, can be seen in reflected vortices with points in a vertical line opposite each other. This is the basis of the six-pointed star. All duality in nature is based on the dual nature of the vortex.
The vortex in nature is the basic pattern on which greater forms are built, and would be the perfect example of a fractal. Spiritual vortexes are the beginning point of every manifest form in the universe. All forms in the universe start with a vortex/ atom and proceed through six stages, culminating in a solid sphere or spheroidal shape. Vortices and spheroids are strongly interrelated with each other. The vortex is the inner root and seed cause of the fruit, or outer form spheroid. The vortex begins that which ends with the physical sphere or spheroid. This principle holds true for universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, humans, and atoms. Occultism recognizes atoms as spheroidal triple- natured energy/ force vortices.
The occultist sees some vortices as sources of force emanation in the six-stage manifestation process. This procedure is referred to allegorically in the Bible as the six days of creation. Emanation and vortices are seen in The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, like they were shown to Bible prophets. Ezekiel saw a fiery whirlwind, and wheels within wheels. Elijah and Enoch were both taken up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.