by Sally Shotwell —
As we prepare for the oncoming of Fall on September 22nd, we sense the influence of several retrograde planets signaling us to continue our inner work of reviewing and recalibrating what’s going on in our lives. Even though this is inhibiting, we’re certainly expanding our self-knowledge which, in turn, will fortify our future efforts. We have the Sun (our consciousness) and Mercury (our thought processes) in earthy, practical Virgo, grounding us as we sift the wheat from the chaff. The September 1st bonding of Mercury with psychoanalytic Pluto, in realistic Capricorn, promises revealing communications which offer deep insights. They set the stage for the Full Moon (culmination) in watery, psychic Pisces, which takes place after nightfall. When the practical Sun and this mystical Moon can commingle their complementary aspects of service and universal empathy, we’re enriched. The Sabian Symbol states “Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality.” Brilliant Uranus, in earthy Taurus, also gets in on the act, helping us segue into unknown territory.
September 2 warm-hearted Venus, coming to the end of her stay in watery, protective Cancer, clashes with authoritative SaturnRx in earthy, dominating Capricorn, and our duties may seem overwhelming. Let’s be gentle with ourselves and prepare to take advantage of the excitement the Sun and Uranus create when their energies meld. Can we find time to enjoy Nature or a good book? The 3rd, Mercury and SaturnRx create a serious atmosphere which permeates our communications.
September 6 Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Finances, enters fiery, exuberant Leo and our outlook brightens considerably. We’re ready for this since on the 4th she’s subjected to the acting out of Mars, in fiery Aries. He’s triggered by the restrictions imposed upon him by SaturnRx. Fortunately, Mercury comes to our lady’s rescue and a calm is reestablished, allowing her to swish into Leo in style. He, himself, moves into airy, Venus-ruled Libra on the 5th, further heightening an emphasis on graciousness. We all need a balm to soothe our frazzled nerves so let’s be open to charm wherever we come across it!
September 9 Mars (our vital energy) turns retrograde (until 11/13) and offers us the opportunity to reassess our past actions and goals. We review what’s been beneficial and what hasn’t, the lessons learned, and grasp that we’re evolving. The Sun and benevolent JupiterRx, in Capricorn, commune and share with us the promise of good fortune as we persevere. The 11th, the Sun and dreamy Neptune, in transcendent Pisces, oppose each other and create a situation which promotes idealism which can dissolve into escapism and foggy focus.
September 12 beneficent Jupiter, modern ruler of Sagittarius and traditional ruler of Pisces, turns direct and we reap the rewards of our four-month reconsidering our world view. We may now find clarification regarding what truly gives meaning to our lives, opening up new avenues to fit our changing circumstances. The 14th, The Sun and PlutoRx team up to inspire us as we ponder progressive changes and the 15th fun-loving Venus and unpredictable Uranus intrigue each other. We may fall under their spell even though it’s disruptive so let’s employ restraint in our interactions. This also applies on the 17th when, prior to the New Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, in the cardinal signs of Libra and Capricorn clash, and we must beware of jumping to erroneous conclusions.
This New Moon (new beginnings) in service-oriented Virgo, ruled by Mercury at his most discriminating, is supported by SaturnRx, lending his gravitas as we venture into new emotional and spiritual territory. The Symbol states “A boy with a censer serves the priest near the altar: The first stage of actual participation in the great ritual of planetary evolution… Whether we think of the ancient mysteries, or of the Catholic Mass… we are dealing with a type of archetypal activity…” Astrologer Maggie Hyde defines archetypes as “primordial ideas, common to all mankind… They are charged with emotion and function autonomously from the unconscious.” So much of the work that Pluto has been assigning us involves the unconscious and it’s extremely helpful that this New Moon assists us in processing this profound material.
This particularly applies the 21st/22nd when communication becomes extremely intense as Mercury and Pluto clash (Libra/Capricorn) and our attention moves from the superficial to the disconcerting. Pluto is unrelenting in revealing what has been concealed, triggering reactions we may be surprised by. The Autumnal Equinox moderates this tension by the balance it represents between light and darkness (day/night). The Sun’s placement in airy, relationship-oriented Libra, lends Mercury moral support, opening up communication channels with others. The sign’s symbol is The Scales and justice for all is one of its mottos. Diplomacy is the name of the game and social events more gracious than usual. However, the 23rd, SaturnRx tries Mercury’s cordiality (Capricorn/Libra) as his bossy side intrudes. Let’s not succumb to ire, ourselves. The 24th, the Messenger of the Gods must continue his diligence in being tactful when dealing with MarsRx (Libra/Aries) and his aggressiveness. Again, let’s avoid confrontative circumstances.
September 27 Mercury leaves intellectual Libra for intense Scorpio, the sign in modern times ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, where emotionality holds sway. We feel compelled to delve below the surface of issues which need healing. This can also lead to subtly of thought and interesting interactions but we need to avoid letting obsessing about an idea, belief, or person sneak up on us. The 28th, Venus and MarsRx connect and it’s a happy pairing, their combined energies stir up our desire to combine our creativity and enjoy ourselves. We need this!
September 28/29th Saturn, Lord of Karma, moves forward and we’re able, after over four months, to gradually become clear concerning the many challenges we’ve been facing and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. He demands much but is noted for teaching us how to grow and mature in living up to our responsibilities. However, MarsRx, after a happy interlude with Venus, is now bothering him (Capricorn/Aries), still thwarted from forging ahead. We can avoid getting hooked into someone else’s agitation if we pay attention to what’s transpiring around us. Let’s nurture ourselves by finding time for stillness to find clarity of vision in these bizarre times. We’ve come a long way!!!
Blessings and Happy Labor Day!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.