“There is a time for mankind to decide what they want to do about being Love for self and one another.
“You are in the process of deciding what you want to do about this now.
“No one is immune in having to make this decision for her/his life.
“You can only do this by choosing how to Love yourself.
“You have the power to choose this at this very moment, for you are hearing this message outside of you, as well as inside of you.
“Nothing is more important than this choice.
“You have often told yourselves that you would live Love when you chose to come back into this world as a human form.
“Nothing has ever been said that was more important to you than that choice.
“You committed to being in a form so that you could play the role of a person who would live in the illusion of separate forms, yet have the memory of being Love in order to live with each other using that peace which comes from being Love.
“You are at a threshold of change in your world.
“You cn teach yourselves about Love by seeking out those who are living this Love of Oneness.
“Or, you can continue being who you are out of pain, and express this pain through anger, greed and manipulation…following those in power who demonstrate such pain as their motivation to control others and to accumulate further wealth and power.
“You have always been able to succeed in overcoming your pain by living Love for yourself and forgiving yourself for choices you believe are wrong in living Love.
“There are many of you who are living Love through gifting to others in need of homes, food, and sustenance for their bodies, hearts and spirits.
“You have done this when you offer help to those who need help, even when they have only needed words of encouragement and support.
“There are those who need both words and actions to become aware of the potentials to live in harmony, Love and Oneness, yet they may resist believing they are worthy.
“You are a part of me in every role you play in your world, whether the role invites you to be expression of Love and kindness, or whether the role is that you play the antagonist of Love who is in such pain you cause others to experience pain.
“This is a difficult role many have played in this world to encourage you to waken to your truth of being Love and to stand against pain.
“You became aware of pain as a means of waking you to see you are ready to live Love in its place.
“When you deny yourself freedom from pain, you are saying that you are unworthy of Love. In other words, my presence in your life.
“This is a time for you to recreate your life.
“Create a life filled with Love for yourself, instead of punishment.
“Create a life filled with Love for all, instead of judgment and condemnation.
“Create a life where you stand against pain in all its forms…even the pain your planet itself is experiencing with destruction of its resources.
“Be the Creator you were designed to be in your world.
“You have all you need to make this world a place of peace, of beauty, of mankind enjoying each other and the world they live in.