by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of May with “Beltane” on Sunday, May 1st. Festivals symbolizing fertility and the planting of seeds in the earth and each other are popular at this time.
Venus enters Aries on Monday, May 2nd. A more proactive approach to going after what you want and value is favored. Venus will continue to be in Aries until it enters Taurus on Saturday, May 28th.
Mercury enters its shadow period where it slows down in preparation for its retrograde period starting on Friday, May 6th. No new projects should be started at this time and the time when Mercury will be officially retrograde from Tuesday, May 10th through June 3rd. Rethinking your plans and strategies on both personal and professional levels is recommended when Mercury is in its retrograde period. Reflection and re-connection with others is favored.
Jupiter also enters Aries on May 10th. Jupiter in Aries supports a strong desire to be proactive about travel and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. The danger of this knowledge and wisdom might be to assume that one person’s version of the truth should somehow apply to everyone. Care should be taken not to become intoxicated by your or another person’s own fumes.
A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on Sunday, May 15th. The awareness of what we need to let go of in order to manifest what we truly want and value is now at hand.
The Sun enters Gemini on Friday, May 20th. The focus now will be on communication and dialogue. Sharing ideas and information is favored.
The Last Quarter Phase of the Moon occurs in Pisces on Sunday, May 22nd. The desire for clarity may be frustrated by purveyors of lies and deception.
Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Taurus also on Sunday, May 22nd. Careful evaluation of the facts may ultimately lead to more than one inconvenient truth.
Mars enters Aries on Tuesday, May 24th. The desire to take action may be too strong to resist even though we consciously do not have all the facts.
Venus enters Taurus on Saturday, May 28th. Relationships are likely to be formed for practical and financial reasons. Business partnerships are favored.
A New Moon occurs in Gemini on Monday, May 30th. This signals a new beginning for relationships that share mutual interests, ideas and values.