© 2015 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2015
by Mario C. Veo
We are told that ‘Life Is A Journey‘, and to enjoy it… but no one tells us how to do this! We blunder around, from job to job, until we find ‘ something we like’… and that’s it! For the rest of our lives we fully believe that we’ve arrived, that from now on we’ll ‘live happily ever after‘(O.K., you can blame Walt Disney for that one… what was he thinking!?)
My experience of Life is one where most people grow into diminishing expectations… until, at the end, they wake-up, wondering how they got there… and why their Life is now over…(No, I’m not a ‘pessimist’, just a realist…wait, hang on… if you’ll give me a chance I’ll explain).
When we were young everything was an adventure, a wonderful discovery… Life was exciting! Remember the joys of your first kiss… first car… first job… first love… first home…? Life was glorious… and then you grew up! Your first kiss was forgotten as you reached for more and more… your first car broke down, and you accepted the debts of buying a new car… the first job became a dead-end and you looked for one that paid better… you married your ‘love’ and soon enough got divorced…(check your statistics!)… and she got the house and left you with the mortgage.
Well, c’est la vié… as the French say, welcome to the grown up ‘reality’… but, ‘reality’ is what you make of it…(are you intrigued yet…?)
I propose that we don’t blindly accept all this ‘reality stuff’, and that we make our own… one filled with True Love, a wonderful rewarding career, a beautiful home, and great friends… sounds too good to be ‘true’…?(so, who’s the ‘pessimist/realist’ now??) I have a trick up my sleeve, and I want to teach it to all of you who are ready to re-capture the passions of your youth… No, there are no ‘secret handshakes’… no elixirs, no fountain of youth… and definitely no Mother Ship ready to take us away!
I’m just going to teach you how to be Self-Empowered… and what Self-Determination really is… and so, we dedicate the month of October to a series of classes on the Joy of Life, on re-creating yourself, on increasing the flow of Prosperity… so that, finally, you can exclaim… “I DESERVE…Dammit!! AND I WANT IT ALL!!” (after all, why do you think you have this thing called ‘Free Will’?… to choose which burger to order… or, does it offer you more…? Did you want fries with that???)
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.