© 2015 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter October 2015

by Bruce Johnson
God in the Book of Genesis is portrayed as a thinking feeling entity with a physical body, which exists outside the universe which he created from nothing. The Ancient Wisdom denies the existence of this extra -cosmic deity who breaks his own commandments, demonstrates cruelty and injustice at times, curses humanity after calling it good, and dwells apart from the heavens, earths, and multitude of lives he’s fashioned. The Father God of the Bible, like the Serpent of the Garden Satan, are allegorical symbols for opposing principles in Nature, and are not conscious beings living in Heaven and Hell, battling for control of souls.
Pythagoras taught his disciples that God is Universal Mind diffused through all things, with God’s body composed of the substance of light, and God’s essence composed of the substance of truth. Buddhism teaches in a formless transcendent Wisdom, not an individualized God. The “thrice greatest Hermes” as Thoth of ancient Egypt was the god of Wisdom and Letters. Thoth’s teachings reveal a changeless and eternal infinite God of universal energy and motion, much different than the anthropomorphic, mutable and physical God of Genesis.

Thoth -Hermes taught that there is no such thing as lifeless matter, and that God is One, ever present, and exists in all things. Thoth taught that God alone was goodness and beauty, and as the eternal causeless cause, was the source and essence of all creation. Nothing existed that was not a part of God or the Absolute, whose limitless being contained all things. God as the One Life, was without beginning or end, beyond spirit or matter, and was the invisible, formless, and self- existent creator of all lesser lives in the cosmos. God is transcendent as the formless ocean of life, and immanent as in all forms everywhere. Occultism teaches that a God present in all things cannot have a chosen people. Ultimately, all attempts to describe God limit and qualify God who transcends definition. All one can really say is that God Is.
The fundamental attribute of this One Life as it manifests in our universe as life -substance or akasa, is its eternal ceaseless motion, or life. Occultism teaches that our present universe is one of an eternal series of manifested universes. Paralleling human reincarnation on a vast scale, our living physical universe evolved from the cosmos that preceded it, and is not the first universe, much to the dismay of Big Bang Theorists.
The Ancient Wisdom teaches that God is not a person or giant being, but the nature of indestructible akasic matter manifesting as Limitless Space, with its inherent life, energy, and motion. This stupendous and indescribable One Life, both transcendent and immanent, was taught to be the cause of every phenomenon of nature.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.