by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of April with a New Moon in the sign of Aries on Friday, April 1st. Aries is ruled by Mars and indicates a strong desire to begin something new. The beginning of new projects and creative activities is astrologically encouraged.
Venus enters Pisces on Tuesday, April 5th. Venus is a planet which symbolizes relationships. The urge to help others is enhanced while Venus continues its transit in the sign of Pisces. Venus will continue to be in Pisces until it enters Aries on Monday, May 2nd.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Cancer on Saturday, April 9th. Issues related to home, security and family will be in high focus.
Mercury enters Taurus on Sunday, April 10th. Our mind will likely want to focus on money and financial security while Mercury continues to be in Taurus until it enters Gemini on Friday, April 29th.
Mars enters Pisces on Thursday, April 14th. The desire to help others will be strong while both Venus and Mars are in Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces in April. Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Neptune is symbolized as a planet that invokes the need for faith and belief in the spiritual nature of reality.
We benefit this month by cultivating a spiritual practice and trusting our intuition and spiritual guidance. For those who wish to remain unconscious or skeptical of spiritual reality, Neptune will offer an opportunity to escape through drugs, alcohol or self-deception.
A Full Moon occurs in Libra on Saturday, April 16th. Libra is a sign of relationship. The guidance during this weekend will be for a peaceful resolution to conflict so all parties can celebrate the healing power which potentially dawns on Easter Sunday, April 17th.
The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on Tuesday, April 19th. Taurus is an earth sign and symbolizes the experience of personal and collective value. A consciousness of what is in the best interest for our economic well-being is likely to be the focus until the Sun enters Gemini on Friday, May 20th.
On Friday, April 22nd, Earth Day invites us to honor our planet by planting a tree or preparing the soil for a garden.
The Last Quarter Phase of the Moon occurs in Aquarius on Saturday, April 23rd. Social activities are encouraged for those individuals who are not overly attached to their independent nature.
Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn and Mercury enters Gemini on Friday, April 29th. The continuing inner and outer transformation process symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn will offer us a multitude of topics for dialogue and consideration.
A New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus occurs on Saturday, April 30th. New beginnings in business and financial matters will likely commence during the next six months. Determining what is essential and most valuable personally and professionally will be an activity worthy of contemplation and consideration.