by Mario C. Veo
One of the most important teachings that was given to me is the concept that this Life is like a bead on a string – each affects the next, and next, and next… until we learn how to truly understand the impact we create with each thought, word, and action.

In our New Age teachings we often use words so commonly that we ignore how they create a cascade of consequences… and now fail to accept that we did this to ourselves… [what is worse is when such ignorance on our part now drags others down with us].
Let me explain – Common Life is filled with frustration, confrontation, and even unfairness… accept it! It’s what it is, and none of us can change it [much]… BUT… what we can do is decide how we are going to respond to this …
So, we can choose to be ‘Common Human’ and vent these corrosive energies – usually by dumping them on anyone else we feel is ‘inferior’ [or at least unable or unwilling to hold us accountable to our reactive Lower Natures]… or [if we’ve truly embraced this Path of Spiritual Consciousness correctly and we’re not just parading in its glamour] choose to step away from our Humanness, and realize that whatever we do is going to come back to us… and bite us far worse than we expected! [Remember – “whatever we give out comes back threefold” !… and no, you’re not exempt from this law]
Now, some of you may ask why such a strong reaction…
Easy, as long as you are simply ‘Human’ and choose to remain ignorant of Higher Teaching, then so you shall be treated [basically, you’re still a child and not truly awake yet to Higher Consciousness]… but… once you claim to be walking the Path of Light and Enlightenment, then you are held accountable to a higher standard… and are expected to behave as such…

The Law is clear – Energy follows thought… whatever you think – and give life through your words and actions – creates a magnetic vortex around you which first attaches itself to your Aura, feeding off your Life Energy, getting stronger and stronger, until it re-programs you to its own image [we call this a self-fulfilling prophecy] and now spreads out to the rest of your life, attracting more of the same … until you become overwhelmed and, basically, are a self-destructive puppet [self-created]. Now this Core Essence spills over onto the next Life… and next… and next… until you get it right… [what ? did you not understand the meaning of Karma…?!?]
To make matters worse, you now contaminate all who love and care for you, for they have no shields, no filters to keep such negativity at bay… [and that’s more Karma for you to be held accountable]
So, what’s the solution…?
Knowing that there is a part of you that is not so evolved, then decide who is going to be in charge of your Life… and accept the consequences for your decisions… [for however many lives it takes]
Also remember that – To those that much is given, much is expected…
Now – there may well be many who are reading this and getting upset [no, this is not about you, but rather a reflection of the times we’re all experiencing at the moment]
Take a good look around you, at the crazy behavior, the chaos, the inane propaganda and abuse of power… We are being bombarded by fear, by corrupt authority, by unrestrained anger, by frustration and overwhelming unfairness – all of which can too easily make us reactive, ‘make us in their own image’…
Realize that this is the Test… this is our ‘trial by fire’… that clear selection process which will identify just how well we’ve learned and embraced the Sacred Teachings of this Path… [pointing a finger at others and claiming “you made me react this way” is truly a sign of unevolved consciousness]
Now consider if you’re going to be ‘common’… or be the Noble Self you could be…
And, no matter what, realize that whatever your choices [for you do indeed have the god-given right to choose whatever you decide], you do this to yourself… Submit… or succeed… it’s your Life you’re shaping…

Mario C. Veo is in private practice in Denver where he teaches Spiritual and Metaphysical classes, and guides Seekers on their personal Path of Transformation and Empowerment. He can be reached at 303-525-7223 / email / website