by Mario C. Veo
I was watching BBC News the other day, and was amazed by the raucous behavior exhibited by British Parliament … booing, catcalling, jeering … just plain rude.
Now, I understand that Brexit has become a mess, and many are just fed up and angry at how it’s been handled… but I don’t think speaking loudly and crudely is a way to communicate effectively – it’s just short of bullying, and frankly, says more about the person than the other, and undermines whatever argument they may believe in…
Yes, so much for proper British behavior… I guess good manners is something to embrace only when one chooses… But not to point a finger at them…our own politicians are not much better – from bombastic grandiose statements [lies, actually], to offensive descriptions of refugees as criminals and rapists, to mocking the disabled, and insulting other countries by calling them sh**holes… I would expect better from those who are meant to be our ‘leaders’…
They’ve forgotten that ‘the business of government is not business… but to serve its people’…
We are shocked when we hear about some Third World dictator that lines his own pockets while his people starve… quick to point a finger and call him ‘thief !’… and yet do not hold our own accountable when money is appropriated for some inane project… that will only benefit those who land the government contract…
Hypocrisy ?…You bet …
But all this is – unfortunately – ‘common news’…it’s been going on for so long that most of us just shrug our shoulders, desensitized through over exposure… So – is this it? Are we facing the decline of our [once great] nation?
Are we, what history so clearly describes as ‘decadent’, and about to face our own downfall …? I don’t think so… at least, not quite yet…
You see, we had a blizzard recently – yep, one of those that piles snow so fast that it buries cars, and threatens the very lives of those who lost power [200,000 people with no electricity…no heat … no way to cook …] Houses that now pretty much become ice-boxes… It took the power company – working hard and overtime – days to fix the problems [my respect to them]… So… why is this important …?
Because in the midst of all this freezing weather I saw neighbors knock on others’ doors, offering shelter to those who had no electricity… sharing food… shoveling snow for those who are older… I even saw people bringing hot coffee to those who worked hard to repair the lost power…
And nowhere – NOWHERE – was there a question of race / color / politics… nowhere was there discrimination or accusation of ‘unworthiness’… nowhere was there a barrier because of language or culture… It was just people… helping people… The way it should be …
Our politicians may have forgotten what it means to be ‘human’ and humane… but we haven’t… So – take comfort in the Laws of Karma – and Divine Retribution – for all the Holy Books say the same thing: “As you give, so you shall receive”… and yes, there is a ‘Hell’ , and it’s self-created.
I rejoice that people are still good, kind, compassionate, generous human-beings… and yes – there is hope for us … just look around you – that is what’s real, and not the propaganda that’s being spewed…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.