by Mario C. Veo
We know that the true meaning of Life lies first in being happy, for only now can we pursue a greater Path… after all, I have never seen a grumpy Guru, have you ?
As a Spiritual Teacher I am well aware that Dark Forces – call them evil or even demonic energies if you like – are very active at the moment … all we have to do is look at the news and see how much violence, how much anger, how much abuse is rampant throughout the world…
And we – our nation that was founded on spiritual principle, our nation that is first among all others, we who are the leaders in so many areas… we are as contaminated as the rest … But just maybe – maybe – there is still a bright Light that lives within our hearts… maybe …
There was a news article that was recently shared about an elderly woman and her dogs that ended up living out of her car… because her rent had escalated to the point where she could no longer afford it… and as she diligently looked for other accommodation, found that many apartments no longer take pets…
So, here she was, sitting outside her car, with her most basic belongings trying to figure out what to do … oh yes, that most important question – what to do now …
She wasn’t begging, she wasn’t throwing a pity-fit, she was not bemoaning and complaining…no, she was just sitting … thinking …
Photo by JJ Shev on Unsplash
And what happened next is why I can still hope for our people … Two women, just out shopping, saw her sitting there…and without any hesitation approached her – simply out of concern, out of basic human concern for her well being… and asked: “Are you Okay ?”
Such a simple question…
And received just as simple an answer : “Yes, I’m Okay”
Well, these two total strangers decided that such a simple answer just wouldn’t do… and so they started asking around…went to a neighborhood website… and discovered her whole life-story …
And as any good Samaritan would do, decided to bring people together – all of them total strangers – to find a better solution … Many hands make light work … and sure enough, people found her a furnished studio apartment … … and paid her rent in full for the next two years … !!!
Yes, there is a Light that still shines in people’s hearts …
And now, me being who I am, I started thinking – where these generous people Democrats or Republicans … maybe they were Buddhists … or perhaps they were socialists / hippies / wealthy independents … or maybe they forgot to look at these ‘labels of discontent’ and just remembered that we are all simple humans, and as such we – all – deserve to be treated humanely…
Yes, they found the Light within themselves … and it was enough to clear away the foolishness of separatism and conflict that IS the mark of Dark Forces … and the manipulation by evil …
So, I now ask you to take the time to remember the true Light that you are, to forget about opposing ideologies, refuse to be swallowed up by conflict and separatism… and remember that God created us all … with no favoritism …
And now the choice is yours … do with it whatever you will … but remember, no matter what your spiritual beliefs are – there IS a reckoning after this mortal life is over… so enjoy whatever you create…
Mario C. Veo is in private practice in Denver where he teaches Spiritual and Metaphysical classes, and guides Seekers on their personal Path of Transformation and Empowerment. He can be reached at 303-525-7223 / email / website