Basic Truths Of Reincarnation

© 2012 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter January 2012 by Bruce Johnson 553 A. D. was the year the Fifth Ecumenical Council met in Constantinople at the request of the Emperor Justinian. That year Justinian and the Council voted to anathematize or curse the doctrine of the pre-existence of…

New Hypno/Regression Group

A monthly class lead by Norma Mitchell (held the second Wednesday of each month) starting June 9, 2010. What many people experience in life are choices we made to grow and learn before we took on our current body, personality and situation. Some believe we have to ‘pay back‘ on a karmic balance sheet, while…

by Past Life Expert Elmdea Bean

Author Visit – Elmdea Bean

Thursday, July 16, 2009 Elmdea Bean, author of Liberating Incarnations Who are these people that keep coming into your life over & over, again & again? Where do gifts or talents come from? When you participate, you will discover where current life patterns began, and heal past lives with compassion and forgiveness. You will release…