A monthly class lead by Norma Mitchell (held the second Wednesday of each month) starting June 9, 2010.
What many people experience in life are choices we made to grow and learn before we took on our current body, personality and situation. Some believe we have to ‘pay back‘ on a karmic balance sheet, while others accept we sometimes choose to experience ‘opposite side of the coin‘ conditions rather than ‘have to‘ do so. Since we have free will in each lifetime to choose whatever we want, even changing those pre-choices, each day we can make choices to live more joyfully and suc-cessfully through our understanding and acceptance of self and others through patience, compassion and love.
Through hypno/regression therapy, using relaxation techniques, we can deliberately re-experience earlier parts of our current life or others to release the effect of any trauma that is stored in our mind or the cells of our body.
This will be a monthly group where each person will have the opportunity to release any restrictions they wish. Since nothing happens by ‘accident‘, those who are drawn to participate will normally find themselves in some of each others past lives. Please wear comfortable clothing, and if you would like to relax on the floor rather than a chair, bring a pillow and/or blanket. There will be two sessions each night with a short break between.