Author Visit – Bess Adams

Sunday, July 23, 2017 BESS ADAMS, author of “SACRED LINES: A PERSONAL JOURNEY FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT” We met Bess Adams, author of Sacred Lines, A Personal Journey From Darkness To Light, in this candid discussion about bipolar disorder. This illness is a physical disease that affects the brain. People with bipolar disorder go through…

Author Visit – Janet Bierbower-Boucher

Sunday, June 25, 2017 Local author, Janet Bierbower-Boucher, author of the children’s book, HOLD ON, TOBY. Meet author Janet Bierbower-Boucher, as she talks about her new children’s book, HOLD ON, TOBY. This engaging tale of little maple leaf Toby provides children an opportunity to fully experience the cycle that occurs as a natural part of…

Author Visit – Chris Brennan

Saturday, March 18, 2017 CHRIS BRENNAN, the former President of the Association for Young Astrologers, presented his new book, HELLENISTIC ASTROLOGY: THE STUDY OF FATE AND FORTUNE. The book covers the history, philosophy, and techniques of ancient astrology, with a special focus on demonstrating how many of the fundamental concepts underlying the practice of western…

Author Visit – Vickie Wickhorst

Meet Author Vickie Wickhorst, co-author of Quantum-Touch 2.0: The New Human and author of Decoding the Mystery of Interspecies Communication: The Animals are Talking, are you Listening? Sunday, August 7, 2016. 2 – 3 pm. FREE PRESENTATION. Join author Vickie Wickhorst as she introduces us to the field of energy healing, and how to couple…

Author Visit – Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

AUTHOR VISIT & BOOK & CARD SIGNING with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Monday, May 7, 2012. 7 – 9pm. FREE PRESENTATION. Celebrate with us, the long-awaited release of Angel Tarot Cards and Mary, Queen of Angels. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine will be discussing their new Angel Tarot Deck, rich with symbolism and imagery – including archangels, dragons,…

Author Visit – Renna Shesso

AUTHOR TALK AND BOOK SIGNING with Renna Shesso, author of A Magical Tour of the Night Sky. Saturday, January 21, 2pm – 3:30pm, FREE PRESENTATION. Shamanic practitioner, Wicca priestess, and author of Math for Mystics Renna Shesso invites readers along as she takes a pagan’s look at the night sky-as messenger, guide, storyteller, and mother.…

Author Visit – Susan Dugan

AUTHOR TALK & BOOK SIGNING SUSAN DUGAN, author of EXTRAORDINARY ORDINARY FORGIVENESS Sunday, July 17, 2:00 pm, FREE PRESENTATION “I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in the fastest way to peace and enlightenment.”  -Gary Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe Learn to heal your mind about your relationships and…

Ophelia’s Oracle: new book for girls

by Donna DeNomme & Tina Proctor. $16.95 A new offering from local author of “Turtle Wisdom”. The story of a bright, physically active pre-teen who often feels lost when she asks herself the question, “Who am I?” Her mother is Japanese-American with strict rules about her daughter’s behavior and is often frustrated by Ophelia’s need…