Sunday, July 17, 2:00 pm, FREE PRESENTATION
“I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in the fastest way to peace and enlightenment.” -Gary Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe
Learn to heal your mind about your relationships and live more kindly and gently in this world by reading Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness, a new book by author Susan Dugan. The book chronicles Susan’s journey to date practicing the unique, transformative forgiveness taught in the profound spiritual psychology A Course in Miracles. This powerful, practical tool has taught her how to bring to light and release the unconscious belief in separation from our source (and each other) at the root of human suffering. She is learning from moment to moment how to:
• question the habit of blaming others for her problems
• accept the comfort of a truth beyond individual identities and competing interests
• trust a different inner teacher we can always count on
• smile at the silliness of our mistake
You can, too!
In her free talk Susan will:
• share what led her to A Course in Miracles
• present a brief overview of the Course’s metaphysics
• explain the three steps of forgiveness A Course in Miracles style
The talk will be followed by a book signing. Call 303-758-9113 to reserve your seat!!
EXTRAORDINARY ORDINARY FORGIVENESS ~~~ In mid argument with a loved one, as we stand unfairly accused, we would much rather be right than happy. As practising forgiveness raises our awareness of our attraction to and identification with the ego’s sneaky ways, our pain often increases. Some of these essays are reports from the eye of just that storm, accounts of my own fear, paralysis and mistaken belief in and attraction to a false, ego controlled self. But in each case, I got through by continuing to ask for help from the part of our mind that sees only our one true self and can never fail us. Today I am spending far less time in the eye of the storm and far more embracing the instant of release that reflects the real world available when we have forgiven all that would hurt us. You can, too.
“Susan found herself at the threshold of true spiritual transformation. The signs? A longing that nothing external, not romance, success, money, adventure, parenting, or creating, had ever fully satisfied. This book takes us through a remarkably powerful, helpful forgiveness process that will stir your desire to awaken to who you truly are. Her well documented life experiences demonstrate love in practice. If you want a real life account of how to undo the ‘one’ block to love, then this is your book.” ~~~Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, authors of Take Me to Truth: Undoing the Ego