by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer on Sunday, June 20 at 9:33 pm MDT. This event signals the beginning of the Summer Season and also happens to be Father’s Day. A chart done for the Summer Solstice reveals a Capricorn Ascendant with both Pluto and Saturn retrograde in the first house. This placement suggests that we are still in the process of personal transformation and reformulating our individual sense of self.
Jupiter also goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces on June 20. It’s position in the second house of money and value trine the Sun in the sixth house of work and service indicates the need to find a job or work situation that will help others but also bring more emotional fulfillment and security.
The position of the Moon in Scorpio close to the Midheaven and opposite Uranus conjunct the fourth house of home may well indicate a change in residence or living situation during this seasonal period.
The importance of our ability to communicate well with others and explore our creative options through friendship and dialogue will assist us in cultivating relationships of a personal and professional nature. A time of emotional transformation is now at hand. Travel for fun and recreation will give us a break from our responsibilities and emotional concerns.
The cultivation of a regular practice of creative self-expression and physical exercise will be useful in keeping our energy levels up and our consciousness available to access activities and experiences that bring us joy.
Finding friends and loved ones that encourage us to speak our truth and grow our soul will help us to heal from previous experiences of loss and emotional trauma. Letting go of emotional patterns that keep us isolated and emotionally unavailable will not be easy but will be necessary in order for us to experience emotional fulfillment in our daily life and personal relationships.