by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

We begin the month of October with six planets retrograde. I hope you are not in a big hurry to move forward right away because we will need more time for reflection and re-evaluation.
On Wednesday, October 6 the retrograde tide begins to turn as Pluto goes direct after the New Moon in Libra. Because Pluto is in Capricorn we may have completed some part of the transformation necessary to start moving forward with our business goals and objectives.
Decisions that involve our personal and professional relationships will still be in process while Mercury remains retrograde until it turns direct along with Jupiter on Monday, October 18.
Prior to this date, however, Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, October 7. This ingress is likely to support a more positive attitude in our relationships with others. The key will be to maintain a sense of humor and openness to new possibilities and potentials.
Quality sharing experiences with others are favored with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Libra for the first three quarters of the month.
Saturn goes direct in Aquarius on Sunday, October 10. This will also be an indication of positive change with respect to the accomplishment of our business and career related goals.
A First Quarter Phase Moon in Capricorn on Tuesday, October 12 suggests the benefits of continuing to plan and persevere towards our personal and professional goals. Creative problem solving and our willingness to overcome challenges will ultimately bring tangible rewards.

A Full Moon occurs in Aries on Wednesday, October 20. This signals a time to take the initiative. We benefit by honoring our truth and strengthening our resolve to manifest what we truly want and value.
The Sun enters Scorpio on Saturday, October 23. The spotlight is now on the wise use of power and control. Good managers become skilled in how to relate with others in ways that encourage the most productive experiences of shared value.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in the sign of Leo on Thursday, October 28. Allowing yourself to truly enjoy your work, service and relationships with others will contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling experience of life. Mars enters the sign of Scorpio on Saturday, October 30. We may be getting ready to let go of old ways of doing things as we celebrate the “Day of the Dead” on All Hallows Eve.