© 2018 Bob Romero – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter February 2018
by Bob Romero
My wife invited me to attend her Circle Of Light meeting with her group that meets on the third or fourth Monday of the month. Most members of the group are women who are involved in some type of holistic healing like Reiki or Angel Therapy. I had become interested in Reiki nine years ago when I was in a lot of pain with my shoulders, and nothing seem to help. I could barely raise my arms to shoulder height. My wife had just had some Reiki sessions and recommended that I try it. Sure enough I did and my pain went completely away. That experience sparked an interest in me, in not only holistic healing, but in higher consciousness and esoteric science. I began taking classes at the Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore in these types of classes. So I jumped at the chance to attend this meeting.
I was the only man there with about 20 women. One of the members plays golf with my wife in her golf leagues. She is also the organist at her church. For this meeting, her daughter was the featured speaker. From the email that was sent out, it was stated that her daughter was born with psychic abilities and a sensitive, kind heart. She loves to help people connect to Source and/or their departed loved ones to receive healings and answers. Her psychic reading modalities include intuitive, tarot, and Angel Card readings plus runes or any combination. She has participated in many psychic fairs. There was no cost for her readings.
We had a potluck dinner that was hosted by a woman who does all types of healing in her home. She was dressed completely in white. Her house is filled with hundreds of images and statues of angels. There were also lots of crystals and several large Amethyst Geodes, which are purple crystals like the ones shown in the picture.
Each Amethyst Geode is worth several thousand dollars and if you put your hand in them, you can feel a tingling. There was also a special glass display case of angels in the front room where we all met for the meeting. There was a light at the top of the display, which will come into play during this discussion. It was a very positive atmosphere and I felt good about being there.
As mentioned before, the speaker was born with these gifts. At first, her parents thought that there were something wrong with her, and had her tested for psychological problems. She turned out to be fine, although her mom told me that she would cause her Religious Ed instructors to feel uncomfortable. She would sometimes tell them, “Five angels just walked in with you”. She’s now in her early twenties. She’s very bubbly and has multi-colored hair and is always smiling. She smiled at me and told me a couple of times, “Don’t be nervous mejo”, although she wasn’t sure about the last word. It actually turned out to be “jito” which my mom would sometimes call me referring to her little boy.
We had a meditation before we got started. The light in the display kept turning off and on. My wife had heard that it did that when there were psychic readings, but just a few times. People commented that the loved ones were anxious to be heard. The speaker said that she was already hearing from them as she was driving toward the house.
Before we got started, she stated that she had rules for anyone to speak and that she was in total control. She did not channel anyone, but she just listened and spoke to him or her. She then mentioned that my mom was at the front of the line and was very anxious. My mom had passed six months earlier. I noted that my mom was very assertive and had little patience. The light in the display turned off and on several times while she talked to mom.
She has translators that help her when someone speaks to her in another language. She said that mom was apologizing for the confusion that she thought that she caused as to where she was to be buried, and didn’t want me to be concerned about it and used a Spanish word for tension. I remembered that mom had long before, picked a place next to dad, but in the last couple of months, before she passed, she kept saying that she wanted to be buried next to her mother. I had attributed that to her dementia. She said not to worry about it, as she’s not there anyway, and that she would see me in heaven, because that’s where she was going. She couldn’t see us very well in the last few days before she passed, because she was crossing over.
Mom said that she had had questions about my wife but realizes now, that my wife loves me. During the last few months, mom’s dementia had her convinced that we were divorced, but living next to each other. Mom likes the fact that she can see everything that’s going on now.
The speaker then asked me if I had an older brother. She said that mom was concerned about him and that she was going to help him. She then asked me if I had an older sister, and I said that I had two from mom and one from dad. She said it was the younger sister, that she was also concerned about, and that she was going to help her too. I said that my brother-in- law was sick, and so she pointed to her head said that it was something about the mind. So mom will be helping my sister and my brother through their tough times before she goes to heaven. She actually is here for all of us.
There were several more people that came forth, and their stories were absolutely incredible. I was completely dumbfounded by all of this and could hardly think. There was no way that the speaker would know about any of the events that happened in people’s lives, and especially what she relayed from my mom. After we were finished, she joked, and said to me, “Your mother gave me a headache”. I didn’t get to talk to her afterwards, as she was swamped with several of the attendees, and we had to get home, because it was late. I had trouble sleeping that night, as I had never experienced anything like that personally. What struck me were not just the details that mom told her, but that mom’s personality traits also came forward.
A couple of weeks after the reading, my sister, whom mom had talked about in the reading, and I, went down to Trinidad for a mass in mom’s name. The night before the Mass, we visited with our oldest sister and our niece just east of Trinidad. It was a very nice visit in which I talked all about the reading, and we all felt good. When we got on the highway back to town, my sister and I saw a shooting star. The more I think about it now, the better I feel, as I know that mom is doing fine and that she’s here with us.
Until these last few years, I was always very rational and logical due to my math and science background. While I had a spiritual faith from my religious upbringing, I reasoned that it was based on events that happened a long long time ago. I was very skeptical about any thing that was supernatural or mystic. My mother would light candles and pray the rosary, and most of the time her prayers were answered even when the odds were against her. While I believed in God, and God was answering her prayers, I thought that it was all part of the overall plan and due to my mom’s good fortune, for being do devout. I did not see a direct link. I had not experienced miracles and magic personally. I have been shaken to my core with the Reiki healing and training, with the classes that I have attended, and with my mom’s reading. I have developed an unquenchable thirst for metaphysical knowledge and wisdom, and I can’t wait for more classes and more experiences.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.