by Sally Shotwell
As the month begins, we’re preparing for Fourth of July festivities and the surprises the Full Moon (culmination) Lunar Eclipse (changes), in substantive Capricorn, has in store for us. Because of the heavy duty aspects present in the Cosmic landscape, our nerves may be on edge as we receive mixed messages while trying to deal with every day reality. July 1, retrograde Saturn rejoins JupiterRx and PlutoRx, who are hanging out in Capricorn, as they relentlessly (that’s Pluto) continue to reconfigure the societal structures that are deemed to be flawed. Retrograde planets signal our need to review particular areas in our own lives which need to be repaired and freshened up. This requires us to slow down and turn inward to allow this concealed information to rise to our consciousness. Mercury and Neptune are also (seemingly) going backward, coming to our rescue in our avoiding forging ahead without having gotten our bearings. Let’s be grateful since assertive Mars has entered his home sign of Aries and is REALLY wanting adventure, energy which we’re picking up as an urge to explore. His vitality is much needed and our time will come to venture forth, but, in the meantime, we need to get our ducks in a row.
The Sun (our consciousness) and MercuryRx (our thought processes) are in watery, sensitive Cancer, the sign that epitomizes our commitment to caring for those we hold dear. We may be feeling more moody than usual due to the major influence of the Moon, its ruler, and the role the Great Mother plays in the nurturing, protecting dynamic which can sometimes veer into possessiveness. Communications with others is particularly important now since we’re often separated from them and, because Mercury is Rx and can garble things up, let’s scrutinize how we’re getting our message across.
July 4/5 is the Lunar Eclipse (the unexpected) Full Moon in earthy, ambitious Capricorn, opposite watery, domestic Cancer, who, in spite of their polarity, treasure tradition. Innovative Uranus, in earthy Taurus, joins the picture and interjects a mediating factor to the scenario. The Sabian Symbol states “An ancient bas-releif carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture: The will to unearth, in our culture as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of nonessentials.” On a personal level, this applies to what our work on re-evaluating our selves is all about.
July 8 Mercury Rx (Cancer) gets in a tussle with Mars (Aries) and communications may be hostile and lead to misunderstandings. Fortunately, MercuryRx turns direct on the 12th and we find relating to others back on track, allowing us to breathe a sigh of relief! Also, the Sun and empathetic NeptuneRx, in watery, dreamy Pisces, bathe in mutual appreciation, heightening our compassion for others. For the Cancer Sun, nurturing concerns are specific, while, with Pisces, it’s a Universal empathy. Let’s use their benevolence as we interact with others!
July 14 The Sun (Cancer) and ebullient JupiterRx (Capricorn) cross swords but the exchange may stimulate our growth if we don’t over react to the intensity of the exchange. The 15th the Sun clashes with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld (Capricorn), who wants us to reboot aspects of ourselves which, of course, is not welcomed. We know the drill, we need an exit plan when a confrontation seem imminent. The atmosphere is electric.
July 20 the New Moon (new beginnings) in Cancer addresses the feminine, ying nature of this psychic sign. The Symbol states “A greek Muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales: The intuitive weighing of alternatives. . . Because it is the ‘Muse’ that is doing the weighing, it is apparent that forces deeper or higher than the intellect are actually at work – the intuitive mind, or what Jung calls the ‘anima’. . .” points out the openness we intuit beyond the limitations imposed by rigid boundaries. Since boundary-oriented SaturnRx , JupiterRx and PlutoRx are opposing this New Moon, we need to make an opportunity available to us for stillness, facilitating our own insights. In sharing them with others, we then expand our own self-awareness.
July 22 The Sun enters airy, dramatic Leo , thrilled at being at home in the sign ruled by the brilliant Sun. Heart-centerdness and a childlike openness create an environment which stresses the need for us to explore our individuality through creativity and imaginative play. Mercury and Uranus are on hand to connect and stimulate us to share experimental ideas with each other, promoting flexibility in approaching our mode of interacting with others. During this transitional time, are we giving ourselves permission to have fun and arrange to enjoy ourselves?
July 27 Jupiter Rx, King of the Gods, allows himself to loosen up the boundaries of his rigid beliefs as NeptuneRx immerses him in mystical inspiration. This doesn’t happen often so let’s embrace this period of tranquility to find succor the Infinite shares with us. It’s important we remember the “Big Picture” since, soon after, Mercury (Cancer) and Mars (Aries) throw themselves into harassing each other. We see a pattern here of planets in the cardinal signs(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) having lots of opportunities to confront one other. Through accessing our mindfulness and honing our strategies, we’re learning important lessons which lead us to emotional growth.
July 30 Mercury (Cancer) in his Trickster role opposes Jupiter Rx (Capricorn), with his penchant for extravagance, making it important for us to restrict our attention to what our immediate needs are and what we value most. Exaggeration and deceit are possible but, with trusting our common sense, we avoid being manipulated and avoid distorting our personal motivation. Our will to share love is fueled by the radiance of the Leo Sun who shines his brilliance down on us! Let’s make him proud of us!
Happy Fourth of July!