by Bob Romero
When many people think of exercise, they think of calisthenics or weightlifting, and regard it as a chore. Yet in some of my esoteric classes, and in a couple of books that I’ve read on spiritual enlightenment, one of the steps to higher consciousness is exercise. It’s already been proven that physical exercise helps you sleep, think better, and be in a better mood. The movement will also increase your vibration, help you become centered, and remove the rut of stagnation. There are also cards in angel card decks that make these same points.
There are many forms of exercise like lifting weights, aerobics, cycling, hiking, running, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing, martial arts, playing sports, tai chi, yoga, and many more. You don’t have to be an athlete to exercise. Lifting light weights or doing weight bearing poses not only strengthen your muscles and joints, it gives you confidence and a sense of accomplishment which helps you become centered. Lengthy exercising produces endorphins in your body which reduce stress, and make you feel good. It’s called a “runner’s high”. Feeling good physically leads to more manifestation as “like attracts like”. Personal trainers will pick exercises specific to your body and make it more fun to exercise. The exercises are part of a training plan that will allow you to stick to it so that you will continue to feel good.
One of my yoga teachers says that yoga is not a religious practice, but it can become spiritual, as you focus on your breath and breathe in prana or life force energy. Yoga postures help you go deeper inside and will also prepare your body for meditation. When hiking in nature and especially on a mountain, the beautiful scenery brings a sense of euphoria and gratitude for all of God’s creation. Not only will you go higher on the mountain path, you will also go higher on your spiritual path. If you can’t make it to the mountains, there are some wonderful parks to run or walk. To drown out the noise of people and traffic, I put my earphones on and listen to music. The autumn days have been beautiful in October with bright sunshine, little or no wind, and long shadows of the tall trees in the late afternoon. When I listen to New Age music that has esoteric themes during my walks, everything is so calm and peaceful. I feel the presence of God.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.