Ophiuchus!!!! by Marci McCaffery
There’s been a lot of controversy in the news these days about the 13thsign, pronounced (O-phew-cuss), a constellation among millions found in the sky. To the ancients, it appeared to be a man holding two snakes — a two-part constellation pair called Serpens (Cauda) and Serpens (Caput). Its Latin name is Serpentarius — a snake handler!
In astrology, there are TWO Zodiacs, one used in Tropical astrology that stays in alignment with the seasons and one that keeps in line with the actual position of the stars called Sidereal. So if you’re a Cancer like me, in Tropical astrology, you’re a whole sign ahead, making me a Gemini. The sidereal and tropical zodiacs are real, both effective and both true. Sidereal Astrology has its own harmony and just like tropical, the sidereal zodiac is thousands of years old, and runs by the same mathematical angles and symmetry, as the tropical, however, it includes a 24? precession (movement backwards through the signs).
Some people have said that Ophiuchus holds the same characteristics that have been assigned to Scorpio, representing the transformative process of death and rebirth. I find this particularly significant based on the major changes taking place on the planet at this time. Death and rebirth appear to be the predominating theme, as we continuously expand and grow to adapt to a new reality. Perhaps beyond its discovery as a constellation, Ophiuchus is an omen commanding our attention for the changes ahead.
So is Ophiuchus really the 13thsign and will it change the characteristics of our identity? Whatever you believe, you are right. We are so much more than meets the eye, we are Spirit and we are Divine. Our personal understanding rests in this Universal truth.
Marci McCaffery is a practicing, certified astrological counselor, Reiki master teacher, spiritual advisor, and a certified life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. Marci will be providing readings at Shining Lotus on Saturday, February 19 from 12pm to 5pm.