Learn how orgone protects you from EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) in your home and yard. Be part of the group of beings who are “orgone-izing” the planet, helping bring balance to nature, assisting animals and purifying water. Help your neighborhood and city plus yourself.
Come to this free presentation to learn what is happening around the world with “orgone” and see how you can help and what it can do for you and for the whole Denver area.
from Wikipedia–
Orgone energy is an idea which was initially proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who originated the term to describe a universal life force. Reich, originally part of Sigmund Freud’s Vienna circle, developed the therapeutic practice that would coalesce and create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units – called bions in orgone theory – to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.
Reich pursued his orgone energy research for more than a decade after immigrating to the US, publishing his own work through the Orgone Institute and producing orgone devices for distribution. The United States FDA brought an injunction barring the interstate distribution of orgone-related materials, on the charge that Reich and his associates were making false and misleading claims. Reich violated the injunction and was jailed. All of his orgone-related equipment and literature was destroyed by the FDA and the “legitimate” scientific community dismissed and discredited his work.