by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of November with the First Quarter Phase Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, November 1st. Our experience could be one of emotional restlessness and irritation. The need for independence is in conflict with external forces of power and control. The desire for change is strong on a personal and collective level.
The Sun, Mercury and Venus all transiting the sign of Scorpio indicate a process of healing and transformation. Old wounds and emotional resentments will need to be healed.
A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, suggests that the awareness of financial and economic challenges will be our primary focus.
Mars continues its retrograde transit in Gemini suggesting the need for clarity in our communication and decisions involving others which continue to remain elusive.
Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius on Tuesday evening, November 15th.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Leo early on Wednesday, November 16th.
This phase of the Moon precedes Mercury entering Sagittarius early on Thursday, November 17th. A desire for truth and freedom and the emotional impetus to express this in our communication with others is strongly indicated as we approach the weekend on Friday, November 18th.
We may be setting ourselves up for additional confusion and disappointment as Mars in Gemini makes a difficult aspect to Neptune on Saturday, November 19th.
There is what appears to be true and then there is what is truly useful and functional with regard to our personal, business and social relationships. However, this difficult aspect will actually motivate us to resolve our differences by working together for mutual benefit as the Moon transits Libra for the rest of the weekend.
A different perception and perspective will begin to arrive on Monday afternoon, November 21st as Mercury and Venus form a conjunction in the sign of Sagittarius. This shift in perspective is further enhanced as the Sun enters Sagittarius later that same evening. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is associated with opportunity and the expansion of knowledge and perspective. This energy of optimism and enhanced perspective is supported by the New Moon occurring in Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 23rd. Jupiter also goes direct in Pisces on this same day.
This spirit of optimism continues as we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 24th. We do well to stay positive and nurture a spirit of gratitude for our blessings at this particular time.
A spirit of compassion and good will is recommended as we experience the First Quarter Phase Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, November 30th. Meditation, prayer and all forms of spiritual practice are favored to strengthen our faith and trust in Divine Intervention as we approach the Winter season and the month of December.