by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of November with the Moon on the wane in Virgo, the sign of service and productivity. Monday is Moon Day, November 1 and also the celebration of All Saint’s Day. As we aspire to the expression of our better nature we may be called to perform our civic duty and cast our vote on Election Day, November 2.
The Moon now is in the sign of Libra, a sign of fairness, equanimity and good relationships. May the desire for peace and harmony guide us to connect, communicate and co-create with others in a spirit of friendship and love.
A New Moon occurs in Scorpio on Thursday, November 4. Venus enters Capricorn and Mercury enters Scorpio on Friday, November 5. We now have the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign of passion, purpose and resourcefulness. When we add the urge to achieve success from Venus in Capricorn we see that these are signs that favor practical matters such as business and finance. The emotional theme of goal motivated activity continues as the Moon transits Capricorn on Sunday evening, November 7 until it enters Aquarius on Tuesday evening, November 9.
A First Quarter Phase Moon in Aquarius occurs on Veterans Day, November 11, reminding us of the high price that many have paid for our freedom.
Time continues onward through November until the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Friday, November 19. This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse illuminates those desires and values that are essential for our personal and business security and success.
The Sun enters the fire sign of Sagittarius on Sunday evening, November 21. This is a symbolic signal that the Phoenix has now emerged from the transformation process of Scorpio and now aspires to new experiences of freedom and opportunity. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 24 and offers us a new perspective of our potential and possibilities.
The culmination of these planetary influences can now result in an emotional experience of gratitude and blessing as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, November 25 with friends and family.
A focus on health and service arrives on Saturday, November 27 as we experience the Last Quarter Phase Moon in the sign of Virgo. Wellness activities are favored.