by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 impact you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
Happy New Year! 2022 adds to a six. Six is the astrological house of work, health and service. Finding a work situation that you enjoy will assist you in experiencing good mental, emotional and physical health.
We begin the month of January with both the Sun and Moon in the sign of Capricorn. An emotional and conscious commitment to new goals is supported by the New Moon in the sign of Capricorn on Sunday, January 2nd.
Just prior to this New Moon the planet Mercury will be entering the sign of Aquarius. New ideas and innovative ways of thinking and communicating are likely to be experienced for most of the month. We will be exploring new ways of thinking about how to achieve our goals and business success. Communication with friends and groups is likely to inspire emotional and mental insights and awareness.
Jupiter will be transiting the sign of Pisces until it enters Aries on May 10th. We benefit by learning how to trust our intuition and spiritual guidance at this time.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Aries on Sunday, January 9th. Because Aries is ruled by Mars we should expect certain types of confrontation starting on Friday evening January 7th and continuing through the entire weekend.
Mercury will go retrograde in Aquarius on Friday, January 14th and will not return to direct motion until February 3rd. The urge to challenge certain policies and protocol is enhanced while Mercury is transiting the sign of Aquarius.
A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer on Monday, January 17th, which is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A focus on family and community may also evolve into civil unrest as the Moon enters the sign of Leo and Uranus goes direct in Taurus on Tuesday, January 18th. Uranus in Taurus reminds us that all people need to feel valued and valuable.
The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on Wednesday, January 19th. Aquarius is a sign of independence and originality. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and is often called “The Awakener.” A rebellious nature and a desire for change is likely to be in focus until the Sun enters Pisces on Friday, February 18th.
Mars enters the sign of Capricorn on Monday, January 24th. Things in general are likely to calm down as Mars transits the earth sign of Capricorn and the Moon experiences its Last Quarter Phase in Scorpio on Tuesday, January 25th. This energetic change is further in evidence as Mercury enters Capricorn early on Saturday morning, January 29th. The urge to be practical and calculated in our business decisions and relationships is likely to take precedence at this time. A New Moon occurs in Aquarius on Monday, January 31st. New beginnings in the process of change and social awakening are likely to be enhanced as we usher in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger.