by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this Autumn season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an appointment for an update of your individual birth chart.
November 21 through December 22
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius on Sunday, November 21st.
The key phrase for Sagittarius is: “I See.” The time of Sagittarius invites us to expand our perception and understanding of what is possible.
The Sagittarius person loves their freedom and wide-open spaces; their destiny is to be a seeker. Adventure, exploration and travel call to the Sagittarian soul. Sagittarians are fond of knowledge. They are always learning and can make good teachers and ministers. Once they have learned something they have a compulsive desire to share it with others.
If you are seeking adventure and enjoy travel and the exploration and experience of foreign countries, philosophy and other cultures you would benefit by spending some time with someone who has the Sun or other personal planets in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.