© 2018 Mario C. Veo – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2018
by Mario C. Veo
Ever since ‘The Secret’ came out everyone and their uncle jumped on this band-wagon… It was going to teach the whole world how to Manifest ! abundantly ! be rich ! healthy ! find a Soul Mate ! and finally, for the first time in their Life, be truly, truly happy !!
Well, in the famous words of Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for you ?”
After all the glam and glitter settled down [and the producers made a boat load of money] what do you think happened?… NOTHING ! Look around you – what’s changed? Has the whole world miraculously become rich and prosperous and wise and loving…? nope, zilch, zip, nil, nada… Nothing changed…
So people just shrugged off this latest ‘fad’ and moved on to the next [“Have you heard of this miraculous extract from jelly fish that’s meant to give you perfect health ?!? It’s a wonder drug !!”] No, I’m not cynical [much]… just very, very disappointed [and a little / a lot peeved at people who exploit others by giving them only superficial information !!!… ever heard of Karma ?!?]
So what’s the deal with ‘The Secret’ – it’s simply the Law of Attraction which, correctly stated is “As Within, so Without”… meaning “You can only attract/ manifest/ create that which is already within you!!” Now do you see the problem?
If you are struggling financially… hey, guess what, you can use The Secret to attract… more financial difficulties!! Hold on, that’s not what they promised you… They said you could use their techniques to get money / and health / and love and stuff… Was it all wrong ?! Was this just another rip off ?! Well, not intentionally [at least, I don’t think so]… they simply left out some of the most important Foundation Work, so that this [very] ancient Law of Attraction can be made to work – correctly.
Work on yourself FIRST… there is NOTHING ‘out there’… everything exists ONLY within you… truly realize Who and What you are… and stop going after that which doesn’t belong to you [you wouldn’t be happy even if you got it !]…
… and now, for the first time, you can truly Manifest all that is glorious and abundant in Life… Because it is the New Year – and the perfect time to examine this powerful subject – we are offering a series of workshops to guide you… from releasing past obstacles, to discovering who you are, to examining Self Worth, and even realizing that there is soooo much more that we can have… it’s a glorious trip! [if you want it]
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.