by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of February with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Mercury is currently retrograde in the Libra decan. Libra is a sign of relationship. During the Mercury retrograde period we will need to renegotiate our agreements with other people. Clarity is at a premium. Major life decisions should be postponed until Mercury has completely cleared the retrograde shadow on March 13. Mars continues its transit in the sign of Taurus for the entire month. Taurus is an earth sign. This fact suggests that our motivations and desires are of a practical and profit oriented nature.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Scorpio on Thursday, February 4th. The emotional desire for control is likely to be challenged by the desire for independence and autonomy. The tension between Aquarius and Taurus is amplified as we approach the New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, February 11th. A certain degree of willfulness and stubborness is in evidence as we begin the Chinese New Year of the Ox on Friday, February 12. A celebration of friendship and loving detachment is recommended as we approach Valentine’s Day on February 14. A square aspect between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus indicates creative problem solving opportunities in the areas of technology and business. Unexpected occurrences may produce delays and additional expenses in the areas of business and finance.
The Sun enters Pisces on Thursday, February 18th. A First Quarter Phase Moon in Gemini on Friday, February 19th encourages us to communicate our feelings and emotional issues to others. Mercury will be returning to direct motion in the sign of Aquarius on Saturday, February 20th. Objectivity and clarity in our communication and decisions begin to occur. If, however, we still are not completely sure of our facts and information it may be wise to put off major life decisions until Mercury has fully left the shadow of the retrograde period on March 13. A wise man once said: “If you do not know what to do, don”t do anything.”
Venus enters the sign of Pisces on Thursday, February 25th.
Relationships with a charitable and spiritual purpose are favored. Meditation, music, hot springs or a hot bath will serve to relax and nourish our body and soul.
A Full Moon in Virgo on Saturday, February 27th reminds us to focus on our health, work and service. Good nutrition, exercise and plenty of sleep will help us stay healthy and perform the greatest amount of service to others as well as ourselves.